Back in D.C.

Yeah I know I tried to guilt you into not leaving me but now I want you to get away from me! What do you mean I'm not making sense since when is that a requirement for a logical argument?

Mulder:  You're wasting your time, Scully.  They'll never believe you, not unless your story can be programmed, categorized, or easily referenced.

Scully:  Well, then we'll go over their heads.

Mulder:  No.  No.  How many times have we been here before, Scully?  Right here.  So close to the truth and now with what we've seen and what we know to be right back at the beginning with nothing.

Mulder needs to make up his mind.  When she's all set to leave he guilts her to get her to stay.  Then when she's renewed her committment to the X-Files he tries to get her to leave.  So does he want her to stay or not?  Pick one and stick to it.

General Punkesque Behavior

Why wasn't Mulder at the hearing?  Was he not under review as well?

Walking away from Scully:  While this technically isn't a ditch it's as dismissive as an actual ditch not to mention being just plain rude.  Scully was talking why is he walking away?

What is wrong with Mulder?  When Scully is at his apartment telling her that she'd quit he guilts her to get her to stay.  Then when Scully seems to have a renewed interest in following the X-Files he tries to push her off?  Make up your mind will ya?

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