
Mulder reaches an all time low when he steals from a mentally challenged man. Shame on you Mulder!

"There's something unexplainable here Scully, but it's certainly not unidentifiable."

Mulder was for the most part rather well behaved in this episode.

General Punkesque Behavior

Dragging Scully out without telling her why.  I don't see what was so highly classified about the activities of this group of scientists which kept him from giving Scully a clue over the phone.

Mulder has an odd definition of the word "styling."  That shirt he picked out was hideous!  Thank God he comes to his senses in later episodes and we never see him wearing anything which looked like that shirt.

Criminal Activity

Mulder really should be ashamed of himself.  Apparently, Mulder needs yet another lesson on the difference between what he does for a living and criminal activity.  When you take something which does not belong to you without a warrant or permission it's called stealing.

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