
Hmmm a helicopter spraying some kind of chemical is approaching. Let me forgo doing the sensible thing and run right out into a potentially toxic cloud.

Mulder:  They've done it before.  DDT in the 50's, Agent Orange, germ warfare on unsuspecting neighborhoods.

Scully:  Yes, but why, Mulder? Why would they intentionally create a populace that destroys itself?

Mulder:  Fear.  It's the oldest tool of power.  If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above.

Interesting theory.  It works with other emotions too.  Of course we all know Mulder won't see that.  As aware as he is of other people's emotional state he seems oblivious to things that effect his own.  This becomes especially prevalent in later episodes.

General Punkesque Behavior

Giving Frohike Scully's phone number without her permission.  Scully should slap him!

Personally, I'm not inclined to hang out in an orchard where pesticides could drop from the air whether the pesticide is an experimental one or not.

I don't suppose another doctor could have drawn Mulder's blood instead of dragging Scully over in the middle of the night.

Criminal Activity

I wonder if Mulder had anyone's permission to be out in that grove overnight.  I doubt it.  Chalk up another trespassing charge for Mulder.

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