
I'm done now so we'll be going. What Scully might want to say something? Yeah right!

Mulder:  Okay, it's not yet the finely detailed insanity that you've come to expect from me.  It's just a theory, but what if he's not doing this out of a psychotic impulse but rather out of physical hunger?  Maybe he needs to replenish this chemical deficiency in order to survive.

Scully:  From a dry skin sample you're concluding what?  That he's some kind of fat-sucking vampire?

Since when could Mulder's insanity be classified as finely detailed?  It seems to me that Mulder does a lot of theory tossing.  Without much substantiation.

General Punkesque Behavior

Once again Mulder is slightly less than polite to local law enforcement.  To top things off he left Scully holding the bag trying to deal with a sexist detective who was not inclined to talk to Scully.

Trying to put the rush on the computer guy.  I'm sure that if the techie could move the process along any faster he would.  Sometimes things take as long as they take and that's that.

Walking out of the interrogation room expecting Scully to follow.  He didn't even look back to see if Scully was actually following I guess he thought that he was the only one who might have something to say to Incanto.

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