
Not content with one extraneous hole in his head, Mulder makes a move to ensure that he'd end up with another.

Goldstein:  I did nothing wrong.

Mulder:  You put a hole in my head.

Goldstein:  A slight electrical stimulation.

Mulder:  It triggered my memory.

Goldstein:  Yes, as you had hoped.

Mulder:  Now I want you to finish the job.

Is Mulder out of his mind?  What are the holes that are already in his head not enough that he needs to have someone drill another one?  I don't know what's scarier, the fact that Mulder volunteered to have someone put a hole in his head twice or the fact that he carries a gun.

General Punkesque Behavior

Calling Scully at damn near 5 o'clock in the morning:  4:50 am is always an appropriate time to give someone a ring.

It's really bad form to go to one's mother's house and accuse her of cheating on one's father.

Yelling at Mama Mulder:  Mulder should know by now that this is not an effective way to deal with her.

In a classic Mulder ditch he leaves Scully to wonder what's going on as he drives off, stranding her at his mother's house.

Pointing a gun at Scully:  That's the way to treat one's partner.  Especially after one calls said partner at 5am and has her go out to the middle of nowhere, or Rhode Island, as the case may be to get your sorry butt out of a jam.

Just Plain Dumb

Refusing medical attention:  One should not play games with a potential neurological problem.  If Scully says he needs a doctor it's probably a good idea for Mulder to go see one.  She is an MD after all.

Allowing Dr. Goldstein to drill a hole in his head:  Actually allowing anyone to drill a hole in one's head is a really idiotic idea.

It's bad enough that Mulder let Dr. Goldstein drill a hole in his head once (like he needed another one) but then he goes back to this quack and asks him to finish the job.  Anyone who puts a hole in one's head needlessly (whether it be at your request or not) should never be allowed to touch you again.

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