
I don't actually have a smart ass comment for this picture. I think the look on his face says it all.

Mulder:  Whoa!  Don't move, don't move....  Damn.

Scully:  You still planning on making a home here?

Mulder:  Not if I can't get the Knicks game.

Scully:  Well, just as long as a brutal infanticide doesn't weigh into your decision.  Good night, Mulder.

That's Mulder, a man with his priorities in order.

General Punkesque Behavior

Ignoring Scully while she's talking at the crime scene:  It's not nice to ignore your partner to indulge in a trip down memory lane.

Those Mayberry jokes were probably best left uncracked.

Yet another Mulderism which gave me more information than I needed to know:  Mulder's fascination with pigs.  That could have been left unsaid.

Criminal Activity

Attempted Breaking and Entering:  It's a good thing his partner was there to keep him from invalidating the evidence by busting in without a warrant.  Naturally, once they saw the blood all bets were off.

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