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The Fire In Which We Burn

Chapter 2

A story by Nik Stanosheck and Mark Weisenberger

Superboy was in Triad's quarters giving her a back rub when there was a beep signifying that someone was at the door. "Hold on a minute handsome," Lu said to The Kid, "I need to answer the door." She got up and went over to the door. Standing in the doorway was Lar Gand and Umbra.

"You guys ready to go?" Lar asked.

"Oh man!" said Superboy, "I totally forgot!"

"Just give us a minute to get our stuff together," said Lu. "How long are we going to be gone?"

"I figured we'd fly over to the planet tonight," suggested Lar, "stay there the whole day tomorrow, and leave the next morning."

"Alright, just give us a few minutes to get some clothes together," she said as she closed the door.

"Jeez," said Superboy, "I just realized I don't have a change of clothes."

"I'm sure Ferro has finished making enough uniforms to last you the whole trip. When we get back, we can go shopping for some civilian clothes for you."

They packed some clothing that was appropriate for camping. They then went over to Ferro's quarters to pick up the extra uniforms. As they walked down the hallway to Ferro's room they stopped for a moment and embraced in a passionate kiss. They were so into each other they didn't notice that Chuck Taine, who was walking toward Triad's room, saw them kissing.

Later that night on Anesecs II, Superboy, Luornu, Lar, Tasmia, Jo and Tinya had just set up camp. It was late, so everyone retired to his or her tents. Everyone that is, except Superboy and Lu, who decided they wanted to sleep under the stars. They stayed up and talked a little bit. He told her how his aging process was frozen, and he would be sixteen years old forever.

"I'm sure Brainy can come up with some way to change that," she suggested.

"Hey yeah, I bet your right. I'll have to talk to him about it when we get back."

They talked for several hours and eventually fell asleep.

Meanwhile back at Legion Headquarters, Chuck Taine was so depressed he couldn't work. He just sat in the cafeteria eating. Sitting at a table near him, Garth, Imra, Thom, and Nura were having breakfast.

"I wonder where Jo and Tinya are," said Thom.

"They went camping with M'Onel, Umbra, Triad and Superboy," said Garth. He then added, "I think Triad and Superboy make such a good couple."

Tears welled up in Chuck's eyes and he ran from the room.

"What's his problem?" asked Garth.

Imra glared at Garth and sent him a message telepathically. {{Chuck and Triad were dating,}} she said telepathically, {{until Superboy showed up!}}

{{Oh,}} thought Garth, {{oops. Sorry I didn't know.}}

{{Well, they weren't serious,}} responded Imra. {{Not yet anyway, but it was hard for me not to pick up how strongly he felt about her.}}

"Maybe I should go talk to him," said Imra.

"No," interrupted Nura, "he just needs to be alone. Don't worry things will turn out alright."

"How?" said Imra, sensing that this was another of Nura's predictions.

"If I told you," Nura responded, "it wouldn't be a surprise.

It was morning in the area where Triad and the others were camping on Anesecs II. Triad woke up and looked over to Superboy's sleeping bag and saw it was empty. "Hmm, I wonder where he is?" she thought. She looked at the other tents to see if the others were awake, and saw that the tents had apparently been ripped open. She ran over to the tents and saw that the boys were all missing. It appeared that they had been taken. It was up to her and the other girls to rescue them.

On another part of Anesecs II, Superboy awoke. He was being held in a stasis field. He looked over and saw that Lar and Jo were also in stasis fields, but they were not awake yet. "I wonder where the girls are?" he thought. "Are they in another room, or did they escape capture? Who captured us anyway?"

By this time the girls had used their flight rings to track where the boys had been taken. They stood outside what appeared to be some sort of compound.

"So what do we do now?" asked Tinya.

"First," said Triad formulating a plan, "you phase through the wall and see if you can find out where the boys are! Then come back here and we can formulate a plan"

"Gotcha!" Tinya said, as she went to carry out her part of the plan.

Inside the compound, a man and a woman discussed their plans of what to do with the boys. "Their powers should be more than adequate for our plans, Zorla," said the man.

"Of course they are Cosvarr!" said Zorla. "Two of them are two of the more powerful Legionnaires. And the third, though not familiar to me, wears the symbol of the legendary Superman."

"We should begin extracting genetic material from them immediately to begin our experiments for creating Super-Soldiers that we can sell to the highest bidder."

Tinya, having overheard this continued searching for the boys. After searching a few more rooms she found them. Superboy was the only one awake so she told him that she and the other girls were planning the boy's rescue, and not to worry. She then headed back out to where the other girls were to plan the rescue.

(to be continued soon!)

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