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The Fire In Which We Burn

Chapter 6

A story by Nik Stanosheck and Mark Weisenberger


"I don't know who you are," said Superboy, "but you've got some serious explaining to do!"  Superboy moved to attack the stranger with his face, but found his feet stuck to the floor.  "What did you do to me?"

"I used my tactile telekinesis to stick you to the floor," the stranger explained.

"Just like Black Zero did!" exclaimed Superboy.  "That's it isn't it?  You're some evil version of me from Hypertime!"

"No, I am you...or at least I was.  Think about it.  You're stuck at age 16 right?"


"Well didn't it ever occur to you that it makes you immortal, able to live for thousands of years?"

"No," said Superboy, "well at least not until..."

"Not until now?"

"How do we know you are who you say you are?" asked Triad.

"You could take me at my word...but if you insist I would be willing to let Brainy run some tests to prove I am Superboy."


"According to my tests," said Brianiac 5 after he had examined the man claiming to be a thousand year old Superboy, "he is Superboy.  I even tested his Hypertime signature to make sure that he was from our reality, and he is."

"You sound as if you knew about this Hypertime before Superboy told you," said Cosmic Boy.

"Of course I knew."

"Then why did you never tell any of us about it?"

"You never asked," Brainy replied.

Cosmic Boy was angry, but stifled his anger and left Luornu alone with her two Superboy's.

"What if I don't want to go back home?" asked the younger Superboy.

"You have no choice," said the older one.  "The fact that I'm here proves that you went back.  Don't worry, you will see Lu again.  And until then you will have a lot of adventures to keep you busy.  Not to mention several worlds to save."

"Well, I guess that's it then," said Superboy.  "I'll go and see if Brainy can devise a way for me to go home.  Bye Lu.  See you in a thousand years."  He kissed her goodbye and left to go home.

"It's a shame he'll be alone for so long," said Luornu.

"He won't be alone the whole time.  A few months after he returns home he'll find someone who he'll be with until her death...actually he already knows her, he just hasn't really noticed her.  It'll be hard for him to watch her grow old while he stays young, but it will prepare him for the next thousand years."

"You know, I'm sure Brainy can find a cure for you're inability to age."

"Actually I found one centuries ago, but I didn't want to use it until I found you.  It was the thought of growing old with you that kept me going all these years."  He kissed her, like he hadn't kissed anyone in several lifetimes.


Kon-El stood at the altar, next to his best man, M'Onel, waiting for his bride to walk down the isle.  It had been about a year since he had revealed that he was still alive after a thousand years.

M'Onel leaned over to his old friend and said, "You know I've been meaning to tell you, I was honored when you used my name and costume during the period that you seeded the different worlds.  But you wouldn't believe the trouble it caused me."

Superboy chuckled.  "Sorry old friend," he replied.

On the other side of M'Onel stood the other groomsmen; Jo, Cham and Chuck.  Superboy and his groomsmen wore white and silver versions of their regular uniforms, exept Chuck (who of course didn't have a uniform) who wore a white and silver tux. Soon the bridesmaids started down the isle.  First Vi, then Ayla, followed by Tinya, and finally the maid of honor, Jenni. The girls were wearing white and silver versions of their costumes with long skirts added.

Then the bridal march was heard and Luornu was lead down the isle by her adopted father, President RJ Brande.  Luornu had grown the sides and back of her hair out since she and Superboy had first met. I'm glad she kept her bangs short. It's kind of the trademarked Triad look. Her long hair was tyed back in a large white lace bow and adorned with a beautiful double veil.

The dress had a high neck covered in lace. The shoulders, also in lace, were poofy and ended in short sleves. The silk dress top ended in the middle about 3 centimeters below her breast bone, the sides ended about 6 centimeters lower. Sewn into the middle was her Triad symbol in silver, gold, and white silk, embroidered in lace.

Her belly was bare, and her skirt had a v-shaped waist that mirrored the look of the top, causing a diamond shape of bare skin. The skirt was split in the front, exposing her legs, which were covered in white silk riding pants and white boots. The ankle length skirt had a three meter train that matched her long lace gloves. She appropriately held orange and purple tulips.

Superboy's heart was beating so fast that he couldn't concentrate, before he knew it, Sister Andromeda, who was performing the ceremony, had said, "Do you Kon-El, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do!"

"And do you Luornu Durgo, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do!"

"Then by the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife.   You may kiss the bride."  After Kon kissed Luornu, Andromeda turned to the small group of family and friends gathered and said, "I now present to you for the first time, Kon and Luornu El!"

Following the ceremony was the reception, which was a much larger event, with full press coverage.  That was understandable because it was not only the wedding of two Legionnaires, but the wedding of the daughter of the President.

Violet caught the bouquet, and as fate would have it (or possibly by creative use of Tactile Telekinesis) Chuck caught the garter.  And with rumors already circulating that Chuck was getting ready to propose to Vi, it was quite possible that there would be another Legionnaire wedding soon.

After the throwing of the bouquet and the garter, was the first dance of the newly married couple.  Kon-El looked into is brides eyes and kissed her.


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