All TRIAD, LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, LEGIONNAIRES and related characters, elements, logos, symbols, etc. are copyrights, trademarks, and owned by DC COMICS and used without permission. This site is not used to make a profit for myself, rather it's purpose is to attract more people to the great comics of DC COMICS.

Survey Results

Unfortunatly we're not doing a survey anymore, but here are the results for the one and only survey for this website.

Q: "Who should Triad eventually end up with?"

Superboy - 188 votes
Chuck Taine - 63 votes
Ferro - 63 votes
Brainiac 5 - 14 votes
M'Onel - 14 votes
Cosmic Boy - 7 votes

All text copyright© Nik Stanosheck, 1998. This page and all herein may not be used by others without the express and written consent of the owner of this site.