Chapter One SAORI Dreams were projections of our fears, hopes and experiences, but they could also sometimes be premonitions. The ones I had been having for the past three days would, I believed, be categorized under the latter. I hadn't told anyone about them; I needed to think them over first, decipher the meaning behind them. I wondered if they were messages for Athena, that part of me that was growing more dominant day by day. Kido Saori was now fading into a shadow, a shell for her Grecian alter ego. But I digressed - I had meant to contemplate on the dreams, not my identity. In those dreams I was all by myself in a place so dark I couldn't even see the ground beneath my feet. It was cold and not one sound was heard. Then the earth began to shake, small tremors that became violent ones. I fell sprawling on the hard soil while the earth heaved. Vague voices cried out plaintively from the surrounding dark, "It's your fault, you sent us here to die..." At this point I usually woke up, trembling and in need of a glass of water. I had been racking my brain, trying to remember what that place could be. Hades' realm? No, we'd defeated him - if he was bent on a revenge it would not take place in the near future. We wounded him severely, which meant he needed a very long time to recover, if he ever would. I tried to summon Athena's memories, but however deep I had dived into them, not a clue had been found. Shiryu would know what to make of this; I had never doubted the strength and wisdom of Saint Dragon. Yet I still hesitated to share my uneasiness about the dreams. Somehow I had a notion that whatever lay behind the cryptic dreams, they were for Athena and her alone. Her Saints were to be left out of the whole matter. True, they were her protectors, but she had a power of her own, and she could not forever hide behind Saori, assuming the role of a helpless princess. There were things she had to handle without any help - or interference, depending on the point of view - from the Saints. The dreams were a precedent to something which, I felt, I would find out soon enough. Last night I had another dream, but it was a reminiscence, not a warning of any sort. We - I and my Saints - were in Elysion, and Hades had just...died? Was that the right word, for someone like him? I was crying and calling Seiya's name, while the others stood around us, grim and quiet. Seiya can't be dead! my mind shrieked restlessly. He's got a will nothing could break, not even Hades' sword! I won't let him die, I won't! I clasped Seiya's hand and my power coursed through me, flowing into his hand, his arms, his entire body. Agony began to pulsate somewhere inside my skull and gave a brief but intense flare. My eyes overflowed with the pain and some of the water spilled out. Through the curtain of tears I noticed the others' stares. The agony subsided but was instantly replaced by another, this time behind my ribs. I was drawing on my life power to save Seiya, and I could lose a considerable amount of it. Well, why not? He would have done the same for me! Seiya's eyes twitched a little. It was working! I tightened my clasp and concentrated. There was a flicker along his arm; once, twice...then he began to glow. "Seiya!" I shook him fiercely. "Seiya, wake up! You have to wake up!" The glow grew stronger and Seiya stirred in my arms. His eyes inched open, then roamed around aimlessly. They stopped at Shiryu, shifted at Hyoga, Shun and Ikki. One corner of his mouth lifted. "Hey, everyone," he said weakly. "Seiya!" I hugged him, not caring what he or the others might think. He blinked, then let his head sink against my shoulder. Shiryu moved into my field of vision. He knelt down next to me. "We are so glad you finally come to, Seiya," he said. I glimpsed at him, surprised; there were tears in his voice. Shiryu had always been in complete control of his emotions, and it was rare to see the control loosen. But then, he and Seiya were very close, their bond more than that of brothers. I was dimly aware that my own tears were pouring. "Well, it's good to know this whole mess has a neat end." As usual, Ikki covered his feelings with gruffness. Shun, on the other hand, had no such inhibitions; silent tears of relief were streaking clean tracks on his dirty face. Hyoga smiled and nodded. The dream faded away and I found myself staring at the ceiling of my bedroom. I had used a great portion of my power to return Seiya to us. In fact, I thought my power had lessened somewhat. A voice within, tiny but persistent, asked me: Why did you do that? Why sacrifice yourself for a mortal? You are Athena, you don't really need Saints. If necessary you could handle whatever enemies there are on your own. Athena's voice, or Saori's? I sat up and hugged the pillow, gazing into space. Athena's, decidedly. She had a warm, compassionate heart, and Saori had only been a spoiled girl who didn't give a tuppence about anyone. Was that true, though? Hadn't Saori, through Athena, learned to be more caring? Hadn't Seiya's undying - pun not intended - determination and courage gotten into her at last? I stayed awake until morning, pondering on this. When I looked at the mirror, I saw mauve shadows beneath my eyes. And I still hadn't had a satisfactory answer. That, however, would have to wait; today was the day for a reunion. Things had reverted back to normal after the Hades episode - as normal as it could be for us, at least. Seiya was unutterably delighted to have Seika with him. He was endlessly grateful to Marin for having brought her to him, for it had been Seika's voice, along with mine, that revived his spirit when he almost gave up in the clash with Thanatos. The two of them were now living in my house, Seika playing the part of the perfect sister. I noticed how Seiya's face softened whenever she was near. Their love had not been diminished by the years of separation. It was good for Seiya to have her by her side. Shiryu was back to Mount Rozan, where, he told me, he could find the ultimate peace. He had also promised we would receive a wedding invitation shortly, and it made me happy for him. A nicer girl than Shunrei - or Chun-li, as he sometimes referred to her - was hard to find. She and Shiryu would make a faultless couple. And since the Twelve Gold Saints had also returned from Hades' realm, Roshi - a name more suited to him these days than Dohko - was also living with them. Shiryu admitted it took some adjusting to see his teacher turn into a muscular young man after years of appearing as an ancient old hermit, but other than that, he could see nothing wrong with his present situation. Siberia was Hyoga's chosen homeland, and he spent a lot of his time there. I sometimes wanted to go to Asegard myself and see Hilda, but I knew the mere sight of me was enough to remind her that she had lost all her Warriors. So I didn't go. Hyoga seemed content to live in Siberia, being close to his beloved mother, his Sensei and Isaac. He said he didn't resent Isaac for taking his eye; after all, he had cost Isaac his. The last time I saw him, he was wearing glasses. His left eye couldn't properly focus on objects so it needed some correction. Shun and Ikki lived in a small house in the outskirts of town. Ikki sometimes disappeared for days on end, gone to heaven knows where, while Shun spent his time learning to paint and write. That surprised me; I thought it was Shiryu who was the writer's type, he read so much. Shun had sent a couple of articles and stories to some magazines, all of which rejected his works. He wasn't daunted and kept working on his newfound hobby. And a new enemy would intrude upon this peaceful scene...My jaws set. I had almost lost Seiya in Elysion, and I didn't intend to go through all that again. The next time it happened, it could be all five of them, and I wouldn't be able to save them. No, it was enough. The next enemy would face Athena - after all, they usually challenged her, didn't they? Well, she would come and meet them by herself. Athena's voice, or Saori's? I sighed and began to rummage through my wardrobe; breakfast would be in a minute. Today we all would gather and be happy. My worries - and new enemies - could nag at me later. The weather was mildly fragrant with new growth; a beautiful spring morning. We sat down and began to unload the hamper under the cloudless blue sky. Seiya was the one who had come up with the suggestion that we held a picnic on the city park. I thought about screaming kids and couples who would drift heedlessly by, and agreed. I had never had a picnic before, not with Seiya and the others, that was. Before their training they had been too busy hating me, and afterwards there were Ares, Poseidon and Hades. A picnic was precisely what we needed right now. The only thing missing was Ikki. I was a trifle disappointed; but then, Ikki was always missing. The spot we picked was right in the middle of the park, with no nearby tree under whose shade we could duck when it got too hot. I'd forgotten to put on some sunscreen lotion and would probably be all red by the end of the day, but never mind that. The day was too pleasant and the company more so. "Hyoga, I hate to see those glasses," Seiya protested between mouthfuls of beefburger. "I mean, a Saint wearing glasses? It's like a bad joke." Hyoga pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Well, I don't wear it all the time. I'll take it off during battles." "It makes you look nerdy," commented Seiya, downing half a can of Coca-Cola to follow the burger. I always wondered what his stomach was built of; it seemed able to digest anything short of concrete steel. "I think it makes him look kind of cute," Shun contributed. Shiryu smiled, savoring his egg-and-salad sandwich. He was the only person I knew who could eat anything without a sound, from lemon to crackers. His calm dark eyes flicked over to Hyoga. "But the damage to your eyes isn't very bad, is it?" "No," said Hyoga. "It just makes me dizzy sometimes." "Okay, enough about glasses. Shiryu, when will you and Shunrei tie the knot? Haven't you two waited long enough?" Seiya reached for a second can. "You will be the first people to know. What about you, Seiya - when will you tie the knot, and with whom?" It startled me to hear Shiryu tease Seiya. Perhaps this picnic was indeed an excellent idea. I glanced surreptitiously around and met only with relaxed faces. I breathed in secret relief; we were indeed a normal group of youngsters this morning, enjoying an early spring picnic. Athena, Saints and archenemies were light years away. I wished this moment could last forever. But my dreams had informed me otherwise. Seiya went a shade of pink. "Aw, hell," he said. "Miho's very nice, and Shaina.well, she has a spirit." I saw his eyes shift toward me before he swiftly averted them. "I have a lot of time to think about it - there's no rush." I got up. "I'll go and buy us some ice cream." "Good idea!" Shun said enthusiastically. I walked away, sensing a pair of brown eyes following me. I realized Seiya's feelings for me were very strong - else why did he bother to risk his life every time mine was in danger? He was devoted to Athena but Saori also had a special place in his heart, regardless of Miho and Shaina. Why couldn't I return his affection? The answer to that was simple: because I didn't share the feelings. Would it hurt him if I said so? I didn't have the gumption to try and find out. The ice cream vendor was several meters away when someone stood in my way. "Athena," he said, his voice a rich baritone. I skidded to a halt; few people knew I was Athena. I looked at him carefully. He was in his early thirties, his face craggy and lean. His wavy strawberry-colored hair brushed the collar of a long brown robe, similar to the ones worn by cowboys in old Western movies. He exuded no Cosmos, yet another kind of strength radiated from him. Alarms clanged through my brain. I could almost hear Saori's impulse to call the boys and Athena's to stay calm and deal with this stranger without a third party. That reminded me of my vow not to involve the Saints in whatever combat awaiting next. I straightened up. "Yes?" I said, the word neutral. "Do you remember Cimmeria?" His tone was slightly derisive, as if he was certain I didn't. Cimmeria? My mind struggled to remember, and failed. He must have seen it in my face, for his eyes hardened. Obviously Cimmeria wasn't something I was supposed to forget.but what, or who, was it? "Come there alone," he said, and turned his back on me without further elucidation. I said the only thing I could think of, "What's your name?" He looked over his shoulder. "Jason." Then he strode away, leaving me to stare after him. Cimmeria? Cimmeria - An explosion went off inside my head, triggered by a memory of Athena's. I staggered a bit. Cimmeria - the place I had seen in my dreams. The place I thought had vanished long, long ago...I swiveled around. Don't involve the Saints, my mind kept repeating. Don't let them suspect anything, or they will insist on coming along, especially Seiya. Suddenly the picnic lost its enchantment. Hyoga looked up when he saw me. "You're a little pale, Saori-san," he said. I managed a smile. "Too much sun." Seiya peered at me. He wouldn't accept the explanation that easily. "Are you sure?" "Yes. Yes, I'm sure." I was already devising a plan. I would take a flight tonight, very quietly, straight to Sanctuary. Seiya and the others would discover that I was missing the next morning, but by then it would be too late for them to catch up. Yes, that was it. I breathed more freely. "Oh, sorry, I forgot the ice cream. I'll be right back." Escape proved to be harder than I had estimated. Shiryu, having come all the way from China, wanted to stay at my house so that he could have a long talk with Seiya. Hyoga and Shun heard this, and thought it was a good idea if they joined in. It was the first time in months they were together again, and Ikki also happened to show up in the evening. I pleaded a slight headache (it was a lame, Victorian excuse but the best I could manage) and retired to my room after dinner. Seiya and the others went to my study to converse there. I had ordered the servants to see to it that the boys had everything they would need. Once in my room, I wasted no time. I phoned Tatsumi, who was already on the airport, to ask if the plane was ready. He said yes. I left my room to go downstairs immediately. My limo would already be waiting on the driveway. As I reached the stairway, Ikki came out of the study. My heart skipped a beat, then resumed its normal pace. I tried to act as naturally as possible when he frowned and asked, "Are you going somewhere? I thought you said you had a headache." If this was Shiryu, Hyoga or Shun, I could find a reply that was avoiding the real issue, or even a downright lie. Unfortunately Ikki was blunt and a good lie detector, as was Seiya. How to pass him without raising his suspicion? "No. I was just going to look for some fresh air. Maybe that will help ease up my headache." He scrutinized me for a second, then went off. I took a deep breath, bolted out of the house and got into the limo. The plane had not started the engine yet when I arrived. I slammed the limo's door shut and walked angrily to where Tatsumi stood. "Tatsumi, I thought you told me the plane was ready?" "I'm very sorry, Saori-sama, there's a small problem with the engine. The pilot says it won't take a minute." "I don't have a minute! I want it to be ready now..." I stopped as abruptly as though I had been slapped. In a lower voice I added, "Just make sure it won't take too long." I climbed back into the limo. I opened the bar and poured myself a full glass of Seltzer. Saori again - the rich bitch who wanted things to go as she wanted. Why did she have to emerge every now and then? I wanted to be Athena totally, for Athena was a far more mature personality. Athena would understand that there were obstacles outside the human factor for which humans could not be held to blame. Yes, but Athena would want to get to Sanctuary as soon as possible, and she'd be too impatient to tolerate delays, for it meant that the Saints would have time to follow her. So was it so wrong to let Saori out of the closet every now and then? I didn't know, I didn't know.I drained the glass and put it down, feeling disoriented. I wasn't certain why my two personalities had caused me so much troubled mind lately. Was Athena trying to repress Saori, force her into some inner corner where she would dwell and not interfere? Where did that put me then? Was I still Saori, had I turned into Athena full-fledged, or were those two simply halves of my entire self? Firmly I put the topic away; Cimmeria was waiting. What could be wrong in Cimmeria? Why did one of the Cimmerians search for me and ask me to come there? They had every reason to hate me, yet now they wanted me to go to Cimmeria. I was growing more convinced that this was Athena's affair and had nothing to do with the Saints. I stared moodily at the silhouetted bulk of the plane outside, wondering whether it could be fixed before Seiya and the others realized I was gone. My hopes were dashed in a second; there was the approaching sound of another vehicle. I rolled down the window to get a better look. It was a taxi. As it slowed down to a stop, Seiya shot out of the back door, followed by Shun, Hyoga, and Ikki. Shiryu emerged from the front next to the driver's seat. I should have known I couldn't fool Ikki. Seiya was the first to reach me. "Saori-san, what is all this?" he demanded unceremoniously. "Are you taking off without even saying goodbye to us?" I sighed. "Let's wait until the plane is ready, and then I will tell you everything." SEIYA We were in the middle of reminiscences on the Poseidon battle when Ikki walked back into the study. He strode across the room to the window. Shun half rose from his chair. "Niisan?" he asked. Ikki pushed aside the curtain and peeped out. Curious, I went to stand next to him and stared out into the night. Saori was climbing into her limo. "I thought she had a headache," I said, puzzled. "She didn't," Ikki announced, in a level but all-knowing tone that disgusted me. "She wanted to go somewhere without our knowing." Hades? A new enemy? I bounded away from the window and straight to the door. "Then let's go after her!" The others just stared. "Seiya, doesn't it occur to you that whatever it is she's going to do has nothing to do with us?" said Shiryu. He was sitting on the far corner, an open tome on his lap. I loved him like a brother but I could never understand his zeal for reading. If he didn't watch out with his love of books, we'd end up with two four-eyed Saints instead of just one. "But of course it has something to do with us! Don't you remember when Specters invaded Sanctuary? She told us to stay away because she wanted to deal with Hades by herself. Well, that's not going to happen again! We're Athena's Saints, and it's our job to protect Athena!" Without waiting for their reactions, I bolted out of the study and downstairs. When I stepped past the front door, the limo was nowhere to be seen. I cursed softly. Behind me, I could hear the others following, but I was already busy thinking where Saori could have gone. Shiryu materialized at my elbow. "The airport," he said in his calm voice, which put some brake into my racing, frenzied thoughts. "Why there?" asked Hyoga. "Because wherever she's going, she will need a fast means of transportation. And Kido's jet planes are always ready at her disposal twenty-four hours a day." That made sense. I ran to the main gate and flailed wildly at the first passing taxi. "Thousands of years ago, when the Age of Myth came to an end, all Grecian heroes and people you read about in mythology books either went to Hades and Olympus, or placed as constellations," Saori was explaining. "After several hundreds years, the souls sent to Hades grew restless. They felt they deserved something better than spending eternity languishing in Elysion or enduring cycles of punishments. They wanted to join the Olympians. Only of course it wasn't possible. They raised a rebellion and Athena put it down. "They were collected - I suppose imprisoned is too strong a word - in a land called Cimmeria. The portal to Cimmeria is in Sanctuary, near the statue of Athena. Only Athena could open it, or those fated to be Cimmerians. The souls had been dormant in Cimmeria for millennia - until now. Among other things I learn as Athena is that those souls have gained enough power to reincarnate, like you Saints. They have been reborn into different bodies all over the globe. These people will feel a `beckoning' from Cimmeria and go there - or not. But most of them do. And now the souls in Cimmeria have awakened. They sent someone to me this morning, a man called Jason. He said I'm expected in Cimmeria. He didn't say why." We were on the plane en route to Sanctuary. Shun was, predictably, seated next to Ikki. Shiryu and Hyoga sat side by side, Saori-san behind them. I sat across the aisle. "You don't have any guess?" Hyoga asked, adjusting his glasses. Saori shook his head. "Do they plan to rebel again? But why invite me to come? If I was there their odds would be low." "Forgive me for saying this, Saori-san," said Shiryu. "They probably have heard that Athena is now just a young girl, and there isn't much chance for her to stop whatever it is they're doing." I thought Saori would bite his head off - her pride wouldn't let her put up with such an insult, even if it was directed to Athena. To my surprise she just frowned. "I'd still have Athena's power, though. No, a rebel can't be what they have in mind." "Unless they plan to kidnap you," Ikki suggested dryly. "Why would they? So that they could rule the world as Ares, Poseidon and Hades had tried? If Jason was any clue, these people don't have Cosmos or anything. They are now just reincarnated versions of their previous lives without special powers. And they could have chosen not to return to Cimmeria, when they have the opportunity to live as ordinary people on earth. There's got to be something else." This isn't the usual Saori, I was thinking. She seems more composed, more mature.and more lovely. I found my eyes straying to her bosom and pursed my mouth to hide a grin. Well, it wasn't my fault that she was generously endowed in that area. Every male eyes would naturally be drawn there. Saori was indeed very fortunate when it came to physique.or was this young woman before me Athena? Suddenly I felt puzzled; it wasn't like me to make a distinction between Saori and Athena. I usually thought of them as one. "What do you think, Seiya?" said Shun. He must have noticed that I hadn't made much contribution to the subject. "No idea either," I replied, dragging my eyes off the front of Saori's dress. "Maybe when we get to Cimmeria we'll find out." Saori leaned back against her seat. "I tried to prevent you from getting into this, but as always I didn't have much success." Tatsumi entered and coughed delicately. "Excuse me, Saori-sama, the sleeping quarters upstairs are ready." The plane was a two-floored Boeing 747. "Let's get some rest first," she said to us. "Then we'll think of what to do next." JASON I saw Harmonia long before she saw me. She was marching right at me, her face flushed. In her anger she looked taller than her five feet one. "Jason, are you out of your mind?" she demanded without preamble when I was already within hearing distance. "You actually went to ask Athena to come here? What stunt are you pulling here?" I folded my arms. Harmonia's stubbornness would put a mule to shame, and I knew she wouldn't leave until I gave her an answer. "Have you noticed the weather in Cimmeria lately?" "What's that got to do with this?" It was mid-afternoon, and I had just returned from Japan - or from earth, whichever was more suitable. One of the advantages gained by a Cimmerian when he was visiting earth was that he could land in any place, any country, he wanted. It took me some time to locate Athena but she was like a lighthouse amidst the plains and oceans of Asia - you could sense the warm golden light called Cosmos miles away. She had agreed to come, and I should have been relieved. Yet I was disturbed. Athena's arrival would bring a great change upon Cimmeria, a land I had known for years and begun to love. Whether the change was for the good or the bad I couldn't decide for now, but I didn't regret having asked Athena to come here. She put us all here, so we were her responsibility. When I saw her in the park, I was rather astonished. I hadn't thought Athena would reincarnate into a teenage girl. I thought she would scream for her Saints when I appeared, but she hadn't. She listened and replied to me serenely, making my task easier. The first thing I wanted to do once I returned here was to avail myself of some quiet moments to hear myself think. I had gone to a small pond near the forest, where I could usually steal some peaceful hours for myself. And now here was Harmonia, breathing fire down my neck. "It means Cimmeria is falling apart at the seams," I said. "Hasn't Cheiron told you?" Harmonia scowled. "Yes, but where does Athena fit into this?" "Cimmeria will be inhabitable in a couple of days. We will all have to leave. And Athena is the only one who can set us free. Sure, I left for a few hours, but that's it. I'll die if I don't come back in more than twelve hours. When Athena releases us from Cimmeria, we can live on earth again as we did before...well, before the beckoning." "That's nuts! I don't want to leave Cimmeria!" "Kid, what you want is irrelevant. You and the rest of us will have to leave, unless you want the Cimmerian sky to cave in on you and bury you alive." "She may not come." "She's given her word." "Bah! Olympians are not to be trusted! After all, who threw us in here in the first place?" "Harmonia, I'm tired and in no mood to argue. Athena is coming - live with it. If you can't, it's your business. Now kindly leave me alone. Your very presence is giving me a toothache, and some other things besides." Harmonia swirled on her heels and walked off. I closed my eyes and my jumbled-up thoughts started to reorganize themselves into a comprehensive, sensible sequence. I let my mind drift with them. I had first felt my beckoning at eleven. My initial reaction was fear for my sanity: I was raised in a world - New York, the United States of America, to be exact - that believed in logic. There was no such thing as reincarnation, and the idea that I belonged in a land that I had never even heard of was more than a little spooky. Then I started to believe, and thought. I came to Sanctuary on a vacation at fourteen with my parents. One night I sneaked off and went to the altar of Athena, miraculously escaping the notice from anyone. I heard that there were Gold Saints in the Twelve Gold Temples and a leader of Sanctuary called Pope Ares, but I had seen none of them. That was when I became firmly convinced that whatever lay in wait for me was where I was supposed to be. Cheiron was the very first person I saw in Cimmeria. I was still lying on the ground, staring dazedly at the sky when a shadow fell across me. I raised myself on my elbow and my eyes instantly met an old, old man. His hair was mostly gone and his beard was pure white. He was leaning on a cane. "Jason," he had said. And I knew that no matter what name had been given me, I was, and always had been, Jason. I had a notion that Cheiron had been here for so long that he himself might have lost count of the amount of millennia he had spent in this land. He possessed what could be best described as a sight - not in the sense that he could predict future tidings, but that he could see what was happening in the world I had left behind. Added to which, he was a kind and patient man, and almost everyone in Cimmeria had studied under him. Cheiron taught me a lot of things - self-defense skills, for the most part. He also told me of what was happening in `the other sphere', as he called it. Athena had been reborn, and so were her eighty-eight Saints. They fought against many enemies, their victories sometimes Pyrrhic. Five of the Saints achieved the highest-ranking level any mortal could, so that they were near immortals themselves. Cheiron also enlightened me on the history of Cimmeria. "Athena hadn't counted on us being reborn, so Cimmeria wasn't even supposed to see the present century. According to her plan, the land was to die hundreds of years ago, and we with it. I don't know why we survive so long. But here we are, and do you regret it, Jason?" I had shaken my head. "No, sir, not at all." Cimmeria was my true home. Harmonia came along eight years ago, a thin, malnourished child. She was barely coherent when she arrived here, and kept gibbering something about beatings and darkness. Cheiron took her as his pupil right away, recognizing fiery spirit beneath the bruised outer appearance. He hadn't been mistaken. Once Harmonia was calmed down sufficiently and made to forget her obviously unpleasant previous life, she turned out to be a very talented pupil. She absorbed all Cheiron's teachings like sponge. I wondered if I had been as good a pupil at her age. There were many kinds of people in Cimmeria: coarse and empty-headed louts, taciturn and studious people, hedonistic ones, and some others. I didn't have many friends, but I never let that kept me awake at night. I knew some people, Harmonia included, viewed me as weird, because of my great concern for this land. I never justified myself to them by saying this land was all we had, and that was why we must love it. That would only confirm their opinion of my mental state. And now the land was crumbling. I knew only one person who could save us, and that was Athena. So I asked her to come. Harmonia plainly stated that was crazy, but wasn't it better than just sit and watch while Cimmeria deteriorated and finally came to ruin? I stretched out my feet; they felt limp and loose. Leaving Cimmeria had sapped away some of my strength. Cimmeria was more than a place to live for us Cimmerians. We drew our energy from it, which was probably why it was disintegrating before our eyes. We had sucked its life force. I didn't like this thought - it made me feel we were vampires of some sort. "I heard you went to fetch Athena." The soft voice intruded upon my musings. I didn't bother turning around. "Bad news travels fast." I had forgotten to mention one thing: when I came to Cimmeria, I wasn't alone. My stepbrother was with me. Our ages were three years apart, and he was my stepmother's son from her first marriage. He, too, had felt a beckoning at roughly the same time I had. So we went together. He had some training from Cheiron, then one day he hauled stakes and left. If I was odd, then he was a complete anomaly. He did what he wanted to and never cared to tell anyone his reasons. My stepbrother - who was called Aristaios here - sat down next to me. Although he was older, he was shorter than me - due to different genes, I'd bet - and had a willowy look his mother had. Unfortunately for me he also inherited her talent of pestering people she thought had committed a mistake. "Jason, are you sure you're doing the right thing?" "If you have a better suggestion, then you can question me. If not, please leave. First Harmonia, and now you. I need a rest." Aristaios didn't move. "Athena here can mean trouble, to say nothing of her Saints, which she's sure to bring along. I don't want them - the Saints - to wreak more havoc in our land." I smiled. "They'll do no such thing. They can't do anything here. Remember what Cheiron told us?" Aristaios gave me a long, searching look. Then his brow cleared and he climbed to his feet. I didn't have to glance up to know that he looked sad. "I hope you do know the consequences." "I do. Now get lost." He went away. I hated it when he started being paternal, but he also knew better than to keep bugging me. I stared at the pond's rippling surface. Cimmeria was failing us, but we wouldn't fail it. When Athena was here, she would have to do what I was planning to request of her. One way or another she would. Continued to Chapter Two