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This web site was built for and by online members of Local 1456 It is in
no part an official web site of
Dockbuilders Local 1456
Sign the Guestbook
View the Guestbook
Our aim will be to promote
and protect the interest of the membership, to elevate the moral, intellectual and social
conditions of all working men and women, to assist each other
in sickness and distress. |
To discourage piecework,
to encourage apprenticeship and higher standard of skill, to cultivate a feeling of
friendship and to assist each other in securing employment. |
To aid and
assist all organizations to uphold the dignity of labor, resist oppression
by peaceful and honorable means. |
To aid and assist all
organizations to uphold the dignity of labor, resist oppression by peaceful and honorable
means. |
To hold it as a sacred
principle that union members, above all others, should set a good example as true and
faithful workmen. Performing their duties to their employer with honor to themselves and
to their organization. |
We resent the principle of
open shop association and will continually strive for the enactment of legislation, which
will enable us to achieve our objectives. |
Realizing that a blow at
one organization is a blow to all, therefore it shall be our duty, as union members, to
purchase union-made goods and patronize union shops and business establishments whenever
possible to do so. |
So, with these aims and
principles in mind, we, the Dockbuilders. Pier Carpenters, Shorers, House Movers, Pile
Drivers, Divers. Tenders and Foundation and Marine Constructors of the vicinity of New
York and New Jersey, affiliate ourselves as an organization that shall be known as Local
Union 1456 of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, in conformity
with the provisions of the Constitution and Laws of the United Brotherhood.

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