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Creating a New Character Class

        These rules were adapted to fit my campaign world and the classes I
wanted to make. It's presented here in it's entirety for you to have fun
with them!
Click here to see what changes I've made!

Lord Eadric

        The character classes listed in the rules are not the only ones that
can exist in the AD&D game. Many other character classes, either general or
highly specialized, could also exist. Indeed, a common reaction of players
to the character classes is to question why their characters can't have the
powers or skills of another class. Using the system below, this is possible.
You can even create entirely new classes or combinations of existing
character abilities.
        Creating a new character class is not recommendod for novice DMs or
players! Before attempting this, be sure that you are familiar and
comfortable with the AD&D rules. Furthermore, it is not a good idea to use
this system in a brand new campaign which has no background for players to
base actions and decisions
        The class-creation system here requires you to use your judgment--it
isn't fool-proof. Without careful thought, you may find you've created an
overly powerful combination of powers or a bizarre, unplayable character
class. As with new character races, start with a single test case before you
approve the class for all players.
        Naturally, the DM must approve a class before a player can even
begin using it. The DM also has the right to make any changes he sees fit,
even after the character has been played for some time !
        You are advised not to try to create a super class--a class that
allows players to do everything. Consider what is lost: A super character
would require an immense amount of experience just to reach 2nd level.
Normal characters would reach much higher levels, much sooner, and may even
surpass the super character in ability. A super character also destroys
party cooperation and group play. If you have a character who can do
everything, you don't need other characters (and hence other players).
Furthermore, a whole group of super characters is nothing more than a group
of one-class characters. You lose as much variety, as much color, as if you
had a group consisting only of fighters. And a group of fighters (or any
other single class), no matter what their abilities, is boring--there is
nothing to distinguish Joe Fighter from Fred Fighter in ability.
        Another factor to consider when creating new character classes is
whether a new class is realty needed. Some players want to create a
character class for every profession or ability--jesters, witches, vampire
hunters, vikings, mountaineers, etc. They forget that these are really
roles, not classes.
        What is a viking but a fighter with a certain outlook on life and
warfare? A witch is really nothing but a female wizard. A vampire hunter
is only a title assumed by a character of any class who is dedicated to the
destruction and elimination of those loathsome creatures.
        The same is true of assassin--killing for profit requires no special
powers, only a specific reprehensible outlook is needed. Choosing the title
does not imply any special powers or abilities; the character must use his
current skills to fulfill a specific, personal set of goals.
        Before creating a character class, stop and ask yourself, "Is there
already a character class that can fill the niche?" Think of ways an
existing class could fulfill the desired goal through role-playing and
careful choice of proficiencies. A mountaineer could easily be a fighter
or ranger, born and bred in the mountains, with a love of the rugged peaks
and proficiencies in climbing, mountaineering, and the like. Clearly, there
is no need for a mountaineer class.
        Also consider how much fun the character is going to be to play.
This is partitularly true when you plan to create classes with highly
specialized abilities. True, there may be a place for wise old sages or an
alchemist, but would they be fun to play? Consider that all the sage does is
research and answer questions and find forgotten facts. An important task,
perhaps, but boring when compared to fighters, mages, and the like. Clearly
there is no great demand for the sage as a player character, so, clearly
there is no need for the character class.
        Finally, remember that there is no such thing as an exclusively NPC
character class. What is the logic of saying a nonplayer character can be
such-and-such but that a player character cannot? None. This is a false
restriction. Every character class you create should be open to player
characters and non-player
        With all these considerations in mind, you can use the system
described below to create new character classes. You are encouraged to
modify the system or create one of your own. The method used here will
give you a good starting place.
        To use this method, choose different abilities you want the class to
have. You must include some abilities such as fighting, but other abilities,
such as spellcasting, are optional. Each ability you choose has a multiple
attached to it. As you select the abilities for your class, add the
multiples together. After you have chosen all the abilities, multiply the
base experience value (see Table 21) by this total. The result is the number
of experience points your new class must earn to go up in levels.
        Required Abilities: For each of the categories, choose one of the
options listed. Be sure to note this choice along with the multiple cost.

Table 1: RACE

Race   Multiple
Human     O
Other     1


Level         Multiple
o-lvl-Human*    -2
Monster         +3
Priest           O
Warrior         +2
Wizard          -1
Rogue           -1

*0 level humans never improve in combat ability, regardless of level.


Level	                  Multiple
O level Human Saving Throws -2
Any other saving throw table O

*O-Ievel humans never improve in saving throws, regardless of level.


Level Multiple
1d3	 O
1d4	+O.5
1d6	+0.75
1d8     +1
1d10	+2.5
1d12 	+4
Level Multiple
5	-4
6	-3
7	-2
8	-1
9	 0
10	+1
11	+2
12	+3
None	+6


Level	      Multiple
None		-1
Limited AC*	-0.5
All		 0

*Limited AC means the character can only use armor of AC 5 or worse.


Level		Multiple
Limited*	  -1.5
One class**	  -1
All		   O

*The class is limited to a maximum of 4 different weapons, none of which can 
do more than 1-6 points of damage.
**The class is limited to one weapon category (slashing, piercing, 
bludgeoning, or martial arts types [common, chain, etc]).


Degree	Multiple
   0	  -1 
  +1	  +0.5 
  +2	  +1 
  +3	  +2 
  +4	  +3 
  +5	  +4 
  +6	  +5

Optional Abilities: In addition to the required abilities listed above, you  
can choose any of the optional abilities below. Again, these abilities will  
increase your base multiplier, making it more difficult to increase in  


Ability					  Multiple 
Allowed	fighter	Constitution 
        bonus				    +1 
Allowed	fighter	exceptional 
        Strength bonus			    +1 
Animal empathy				    +1.5 
Bonus +1 to hit a creature*		    +1 
Per initial proficiency slot (if used)	    +0.25 
Read languages**			    +0.5 
Aura of protection as paladin		    +2 
Backstab				    +1 
Cast any priest spell			    +8 
Cast single sphere of priest spells	    +2 
Climb walls				    +1 
Find/Remove traps			    +1 
Healing as paladin			    +2 
Hear noise**				    +0.5 
Hide in shadows**			    +1 
Learn and cast any school of magic	    +16 
Learn and cast one school of magic	    +3 
Move silently**				    +1 
Openlocks**				    +1 
Pickpockets**				    +1 
Granted power (turn undead, druid 
        shapechange)			    +3 
Use magical items allowed to an  
        existing class			    +1 
Use any psionic discipline		    +9.75 
Use one psionic discipline		    +2.5 
Granted a single psionic science***	    +1.5 
Granted a single psionic devotion***	    +1 
Specialization as fighter		    +1.5 
Use any chi discipline			    +7.5 
Use one chi discipline			    +2.25 
Per restriction dropped at ninth level	    +.25 
Other					    +5

*This applies only to a single type of creatures (orcs, etc.). More than one  
creature can be chosen, so long as the multiplier is increased for each  
**The character uses Table 10. 
***Roll on wild talents. Character also gets prerequisites


Level			Find/ 
of the	Pick	Open	Remove	Move	Hide in	Hear	Climb	Read 
Thief	Pockets	Locks	Traps	Silent	Shadows	Noise	Walls	Languages 
1	30%	25%	20%	15%	10%	10%	85%	- 
2	40%	29%	25%	21%	15%	10%	86%	- 
3	45%	33%	30%	27%	20%	15%	87%	- 
4	50%	37%	35%	33%	25%	15%	88%	20% 
5	55%	42%	40%	40%	31%	20%	90%	25% 
6	60%	47%	45%	47%	37%	20%	92%	30% 
7	65%	52%	50%	55%	43%	25%	94%	35% 
8	70%	57%	55%	62%	49%	25%	96%	40% 
9	80%	62%	60%	70%	56%	30%	98%	45% 
10	90%	67%	65%	78%	63%	30%	99%	50% 
11	95%	72%	70%	86%	70%	40%	99%	55% 
12	99%	77%	75%	94%	77%	40%	99%	60% 
13	99%	82%	80%	99%	85%	45%	99%	65% 
14	99%	87%	85%	99%	93%	45%	99%	70% 
15	99%	92%	90%	99%	99%	50%	99%	75% 
16	99%	97%	95%	99%	99%	50%	99%	80% 
17	99%	99%	99%	99%	99%	55%	99%	80%

        Restrictions: In order to lower the overall multiple of the class,  
restrictions can also be chosen that will affect the behavior and abilities  
of the class. These multiples are subtracted from the current total.  
Characters must honor the restrictions of their class.


Restriction		    Multiplier 
Must be lawful		      -1 
Must be neutral		      -1 
Must be good		      -1 
Cannot keep more treasure 
        than can carry        -0.5 
Must donate 10% of all 
        treasure	      -0.5 
Non-human level limit of 9*   -1 
Non-human level limit of 12*  -0.5 
Has particular ethos that must 
        be obeyed	      -1 
Cannot own more than 10 
        magical items	      -0.5 
Cannot own more than 6 
        magical items	      -1 
Cannot associate with one 
        class or alignment    -1 
Ability use delayed to higher 
        level**		      -0.5 
Must advance through one 
        zero level***	      -0.5 
Must advance throught two 
        zero levels***	      -1 
Must advance through three 
        zero levels***	      -2 
Does not gain followers	      -1

*If the character is non-human. 
**Delayed ability use prevents the character from having the power until he  
reaches the stated level. No more than two abilities can be delayed. The DM  
determines the level at which abilities become available for use. 
***The creator of this type of class must come up with a creative way of  
explaining why the character must advance through the zero levels. Zero  
levels are explained on Table 12. For 3 zero levels use -3 down, for 2 use  
-2 down, & for one just use -1.

Table 12: ZERO LEVELS 
Level	Experience Points 
-3(0)	-2000 
-2(0)	-1000 
-1(0)	-500

        Base Experience: After all multiples have been calculated, you must  
determine the experience points required per level. Take your multiple  
number and multiply it by the base experience value for each level as given  
in Table 13. When you are finished, you will have a complete Experience  
Point Table for your new character class.


Level	Base Experience 
2		200 
3		400 
4		800 
5		2,000 
6		4,000 
7		8,000 
8		15,000 
9		28,000 
10+		30,000/additional level
Note that you can't construct the existing character classes by using this
method! The standard classes give players advantages over custom-designed
classes. Standard class characters advance in levels more quickly and,
generally, have better abilities than custom-designed characters.

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Last Updated: 2.2.99
©1999 Lord Eadric