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4-4-99: The date has been set for the Swingers to hit Disneyland. On Saturday, May 1, we will be hitting the floor in disneyland's Fantasyland Theater, by It's A Small World. Any swingers with Annual Passes are encouraged to come; and for those without passports Disney is now offering a deal where general admission is $24. Well will be dressing in full attire for this event, and non-members wanting to come are welcome. Anyone interested should contact Sean @ 840-6652. This event is headed by Sean, Scott, and Laura.
4-4-99: On August 19, 1999, The Brian Setzer Orchestra will be performing at The Greek Theater, in Irvine. Tickets are now on sale, at $49, $40, and $25. I believe that either the $49 or $40 tickets will enable you to get into the Swing Pit, that BSO concerts are known for. Contact Ticketmaster for ticket information. I'll try to post the phone number ,if I can find it. Aswell, parent chaperones will be attending, Mr. Meusch for one, and possibly Mr. and/or Mrs. Winters.
4-5-99: The date for the next Marina Swing Dance, featuring a second-helping of the Marina Swing Band. On Friday, April 16, the dance will be held, this time in the Marina High Gymnasium. Two basketball courts have been designated for this event, one for tables and refreshments, and the second for the band and the dance-floor. Come suuport the Swingers in our return to the floor. This event is open to the public with a $5 cover-charge @ the door, or $4 with Viking ASB card. Just a reminder, that if you don't know how to dance, but want to learn, just show up, and find a Swinger, who'll be more than happy to teach you. Marina High School is located at the intersection of Edinger and Springdale Streets, in Huntington Beach, across from VONS supermarket. For a map of the vicinity, click here.