South Park

A quick drive-thru South Park sound site. Currently there are 14 sounds.

File Name: Description: Size:
beefcake.wav ...beefcake...beefcake...BEEFCAKE! 42K
bgfatass.wav ...god damn, that's a big fat ass! 96K
cheesypoofs.wav you're going to sit here and eat Cheesy Poofs ass master. Screw you hippy! 38K
dummy.wav ...the bitch must die! 52K
holycrap.wav ...holy crap! 20K
igloos.wav ...dolphins don't live in igloos, that's Eskimos! 42K
kickass.wav Kick ass! 12K
kylesmom.wav How 'bout we sing - Kyle's mom is a stupid bitch... 40K
kyle_explainshanky.wav Mr. Hanky, he comes out of the toilet every year... 52K
rainbow.wav (51 seconds!) ...they crawl up your leg and start biting the inside of your ass...oh rainbows, I like those. 398K
ruinxmas.wav Kyle's mom is here to ruin xmas. Shut up fat boy. I'm not fat, I'm plesibly plump. 66K
superbitch.wav Super bitch is at it again. Don't call my mom a bitch... 40K
syhippy.wav Screw you, hippy. 10K
xmasnow.wav ...Is it legal for Jews to eat xmas snow?...yeah. 144K


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Last Updated: January 26, 1999