

I've performed some long trawls of the web and have managed to come up with the following Jocasta-related links. It must be noted that a lot of these just mention the band in passing, but there are also a couple of good interviews here.

Bullet Tim Arnold
Bullet Interview with Jocasta: 'Something To Say' Bullet Student Outlook - Music Feature
Bullet Robert Winder for Bare Facts (local) Bullet A rather bizarre interview with the band
Bullet Something To Say review Bullet Something To Say review (Danish)
Bullet Go review Bullet Go review
Bullet Go review Bullet Go review (small)
Bullet No Coincidence review Bullet No Coincidence review
Bullet No Coincidence review (local) Bullet No Coincidence review
Bullet Brunel Academy 3 October 1996
Bullet At the Greenbelt Festival 1996 (small) Bullet At the Reading Festival 1996 (small)
Bullet Supporting HoneyCrack (small) Bullet Mark Radcliffe Session June 1996 (small)
Bullet The Web Nexus Bullet Richard Melia's Jocasta site

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Page created by Andrew Doran maintained by Macca
Site last updated on 12 June 2004
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