
There are several jobs that are vacant - but if you aren't happy with any of them then please mail me with requests for custom jobs. If I see them as acceptable I will permit them, and decide on a wage.


Runs the city, makes decisions with the town and relations with other towns, as well as updating profiles and controlling the main city page. Will have to be ready to deal with all kinds of situations.

Pay: 10,000
Vacancies: 0

Vice President

Will have to assist and stand in for the president when necessary, does mostly the same type of work as the president - but has less authority and slightly less pay.

Pay: 9,500
Vacancies: 0


Is in charge of bank and storing money, will have to look after bank page and could also be responsible for citizen's pay if asked by president.

Pay: 7,000 (More if doing citizen wages)
Vacancies: 1 or 2


Will help president and vice presidents in page design and outlook for the city. Must be good with both HTML and JAVASCRIPT. Previous work required when applying for the job.

Pay: Decided by President each month
Vacancies: 0


Is responsible for the hospital page. Must put up on roster who the wounded are and when they are healthy. A doctor can devote their time to healing patients at twice the speed of normal, but during this time they cannot go on any missions or battles. A fee from the patient would usually be expected.

Pay: 6,000 + Money from patients
Vacancies: 0

Intelligence Leader

Is responsible for all covert mission and is the leader of the spies. Will have to report to the president at least once a week with the current situation in different towns. Must be aware of moles and other potential threats before they occur.

Pay: Decided by President each month
Vacancies: 1


Will have to work in conjunction with both the President and the Intelligence Leader. Must write for the city newspaper and permit the most accurate, up to date information possible that the public is allowed to have.

Pay: Decided by President each month
Vacancies: 0

Arch Mage

The lead magic user in the town - this is the person with the highest magic strength usually, and will normally have had to completed the magic training course. Responsible for decisions in the army alongside the general. Can be challenged to a magic duel for their position anytime.

Pay: 7,000
Vacancies: 1


The best physical fighter in the town - this is the person with the highest strength usually, and will normally have had to completed the physical training course. Responsible for decisions in the army alongside the arch mage. Can be challenged to a non-magic duel for their position anytime.

Pay: 7,000
Vacancies: 0


Must run court cases and decide on criminal sentences for smaller crimes. A jury will decide for larger crimes. Also decides who is to become outlawed and must attempt in capture of criminals themselves. This is a part time job only.

Pay: Dependable on each trial.
Vacancies: Open


Is under the command of intelligence leader, has to go on several espionage missions and infiltrations of other towns under cover; as well as this they will have to report to the intelligence leader once a week and search all available sources for information.

Pay: Decided by Intelligence Leader/President each month
Vacancies: 4


The Arch Mage may decide the elite of their mages to become Warlocks. This is a promoted mage, and will also be in charge of mages. Can be challenged anytime by mages in magic fights for position. Must be checked by president before deciding on promotion.

Pay: 5,000
Vacancies: 2


The General may decide the elite of their Soldiers to become Lieutenants. This is a promoted soldier, and will also be in charge of soldiers. Can be challenged anytime by soldiers in non-magic fights for position. Must be checked by president before deciding on promotion.

Pay: 5,000
Vacancies: 0

Chocobo Rancher

Must organise whoever owns chocobos - can organise official chocobo hunts for stable boys to go on, or is sent to catch chocobos on missions by president. Can decide on selling price. Can also go on missions to find Chocobo Lure and sell that too. Breeding not yet decided on.

Pay: 4,000
Vacancies: 1


Will have to build their own dojo. Can train people on certain courses a maximum of one time a week by sending students e-mails with information, after 10 lessons have been completed, the student will pass and gain whatever the stats are for their course. Can charge whatever they like for each lesson but 300 per lesson is the reccomended price, (600 for people who have completed a course already.) No more than 10 students allowed, president or vp must check each lesson before sent.

Pay: 1,000 + pay from students
Vacancies: 1


Basic magic warrior used in battles and defence of town.

Pay: 2,500
Vacancies: Infinite


Basic warrior used in battles and defence of town.

Pay: 2,500
Vacancies: Infinite


Either prosecutes or defends in court, will be paid by people they represent. Part time Job.

Pay: Depends on pay from client
Vacancies: Infinite

Stable Boy

Assists Chocobo Rancher.

Pay: 2,500
Vacancies: Infinite


Creates and sells custom weapons and armor. Must have their own store in a two story house or better. They must also be able to afford to make the custom items without advance payments from clients.

Pay: 2,500
Vacancies: Infinite


Is a hired soldier. Must find their own work - Job advantage is that Mercenaries can be hired to go on missions that they have already completed. (They won't get the exp for it, but they will get gil from whover hired them.) Mercenaries can go on 3 missions a month rather than 2.

Pay: 1,000
Vacancies: Infinite


Is a hired killer. Must find their own work - Job advantage is that assassins can ask any mission creator if a target is going on one of their missions. The answer must be truthful or the mission creator will be prosecuted, and it must also be confidential. DeathBlow command is also automatic (5 - Enemy Evade Chance of Hitting), but only while retaining the job of assassin

Pay: 1,000
Vacancies: Infinite


Hired for protection. With an assassination attempt a bodyguard must be defeated first before being able to kill target.

Pay: Variable
Vacancies: ?