Captain America/The Tick
View Master of DOOM

Patrick J. Kane (CapAmeriSR)

Chapter I
Sentinel of Liberty

Avenger's Log: Today I travel to The City in pursuit of the Red Skull. Skull had created a device that could turn any satellite into a mortal weapon. He would have to send a file to the Satellite via radio signal then he would have control over it. He could then increase signal out put past normal parameters then send a signal to a location the signal would be so intense where ever it is aimed it would be destroyed. He could only use the satellite once because the power would overload the satellite but there are enough satellites to send this world into a sate of devastation from which it may never return. However to access this he needs a CD which he lost when we were battling in a helicopter above The City. Red Skull accidentally shot the pilot and the helicopter almost crashed into the roof but I pulled us up in time but that is the time I suspected the CD dropped out onto the roof but there is no way to be sure. Then Skull jumped out of the Copter about 20 min after I took control I landed on a near by roof and went in pursuit but Skull got clean away.

Chapter II
The Big Blue Defender

tIcK lOg: ToDAY ArtHur wENt ON VacAtioN wItH hIs SiSTer dOt. ArTHUr was GonE LESS thaN an houR anD I'm ALREAdy BoreD boRED bored I wEnT on PatrOL and I fOUnd A NEW sLide for my CrIme VieWMaSTer on a rOOf aND it WaS sHinnie AnD I tHInk I saW a DruNk hEleCoPteR piolET hE AlmOsT CraShed buT iT lAndEd SafLy, I TheN saW the PIOlet I kNow I'vE SeEn Him BeforE.... I Said to Him "Don'T I KnoW You?" he said "WhO arE YoU?" I SaID "I am the TiCK" he SaID "I'm CaPTAin AmErIcA" I sAid "No Your NoT Arn'T You MeGo?" he said "No" I tHEn rEAcheD iNtO my CrIMEFigthing napsack and pullpout a doll that Was DrESSed iN RED WHITE aNd BLUE, I then lefted uP the ShirT and show him "HERe ThIs Guy LOOks Like YoU, and tHE WorD it's says iS Mego! YouR MegO!" he SaID "yeaH WhaTEvEr" I asked "CaN I PlaY with Your ShiEld?" he said "no" I Said "WhY nOT?" he said "because I mAY nEEd iT." I saID "oK"

Chapter III
Red Skull Dawn

"THE DISK! I DROPPED THE DISK! I MUST GO BACK FOR IT! It's the only one of it's kind with out my weapon can't work!" I am the Red Skull, my real name I of no concern to you. With the disk I was talking about I would surpass Hitler himself. Logic would assume I dropped the disk when the chopper went out of control. So I'm headed there now IF YOU REPEAT THIS TO ANYONE I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!

Chapter IV
The Star Spangled Baby sitter

I am Captain America the leader of the Avengers, but today I have a different job. Baby-sitting a big blue giant. Right now he's playing with his view master.


"What?" I asked.

"Look the View master tells all look take a look..."

"Ok..." I humored him and looked "Hey this is a slide from when the Avengers and I fought Skull for the first time.. those view master people did that to all of our early missions."

"It's right isn't it?"

"Yes but..."

"SEE! The view master knows all! Wait what's that your saying?"

"Avengers Assemble."


"It's my battle cry."

"OH!!!!! WANNA HEAR MINE!?!?!"

"Sure why not..."


"Did you just say Spoon?"

"Yea, ain't a cool battle cry? SPOOON!"

"Ah yeah..." What have I gotten myself into? I think Luna is more mature than this guy...

Chapter IV
Me and Mego

TicK LoG: TodaY I meT Mego anD wE tALK aNYways let me BrINg you tO whERE I aM now.

"Do YoU wANt tO sEE mY nEW SlidE?" I aSKEd "Not REallY" he SaID. I Said "CoMe on I JusT founD It tODay" he SaID "FiNE"

I theN WeNt tO PuT iT iN But It didn't fIT sO I haD To ShOVE it In buT iT ShatteRED.....

Chapter V
Foiled by a Viewmaster

I was on the opposite roof from my nemesis Captain America and a big blue guy when I saw him shove the CD into Viewmaster.. All I could do was yell.



Captain America caught the Red Skull when Skull fell onto his knees crying and screaming. Captain Learned that what was what he thought was another viewmaster slide was the CD. To thank the Tick Captain America bought the Tick a whole package of viewmaster slides.

The End

This was a story my Patrick J. Kane. He has a webpage, called PJK's A Lonely Place for Dying. His fanfics are posted there as well as here. He has been really useful in helping me with my webpage. Thanks!

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