Matt head.gif (2996 bytes)Biography





BORN: 1926 Portland, Oregon

EDUCATION: 1960 Mills College, Oakland, California, M.F.A
1956 California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland,
California, B.F.A

TEACHING: 1977-83 University of California at Berkeley
1962-1966 University of California at Berkeley

EXHIBITIONS: 1997 Erickson & Elins Fine Art, San Francisco, CA
1994 Erickson & Elins Fine Art, San Francisco, CA
1991 Erickson & Elins Fine Art, San Francisco, CA
1989 Erickson & Elins Fine Art, San Francisco, CA
1988 Site 311, Pacific Grove, CA
1987 Erickson & Elins, Fine Art, San Francisco, CA
1983-1985 Magnolia Editions Press, Oakland, CA
1980 Source Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1977 San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
1976 Smith-Anderson Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1975 Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, CA
1977 Smith-Anderson Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1969 Hansen-Fuller Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1964 Primus Stuart Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

1989 Shidoni Contemporary Art Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1986 Magnolia Editions Press, Oakland, CA
1978 Source Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1975 Linda Ferris Gallery Seattle, WA
1969-1971 LASER ENVIRONMENTS: Traveling Shows
Fort Wroth Museum, Fort Worth, TX
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, CA
University of New Mexico
University of Pennsylvania
Akron Art Museum, OH
Rhode Island School of Design
Joslyn Art Institute Museum, Omaha, NB
Japan Art Society: “Three Cities in Japan”

Light, Motion and Sound (3 pieces) – Hudson River
Galeria Bonio (5 pieces) – New York, NY
Oakland Art Museum, Oakland, CA – laser
1990 Shidoni Contemporary Art Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1987 Sioux City Art Center, Sioux City, IO
1986 University of California Printmakers, Walnut
Creek, CA
1983 Oakland Museum (Storefront Gallery) Oakland, CA
1983 Smith-Anderson Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1983 Magnolia Editions Press, Oakland, CA
1983 Edna Young Gallery, San Jose, CA
1982 DeSaisset Museum, Santa Clara, CA
1981 Magnolia Editions Press, Oakland, CA
1974 Oakland Art museum, Public Sculpture urban
1972 Philadelphia Civic Center, Philadelphia, PA –
1971 University of Cincinnati, Fine Art Collection –
1971 The Canton art Institute, Canton, OH
1970 Corcoran Gallery, Washington, DC - drawings
1968 San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA –
1967 California State College, Hayward, CA – “Four
1966 Hansen Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1965 Hansen Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1964 Dubins Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1963 San Francisco Museum of Art, SECA Fourth
1962 Primus Stuart Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1962 Pasadena Museum, Pasadena, CA – collage show
1961 San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA –
print show
1960 San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA –
1959 Richmond Museum, Richmond, CA – drawings and

1960 San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA -
1958 San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA –
drawings and prints
1957 American Artists, Paris, France
1956 San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA -

1977-1978 National Museum, Washington, DC
1976 Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, NY
1976 Santa Barbara Museum, Santa Barbara, CA
1976 Rice Institute, Houston, TX
1976 Lester Gallery, Inverness, CA
1975 Smith-Anderson Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1975 Polly Freidlander Gallery, Seattle, WA
1975 Cleveland Art Institute, Cleveland, OH
1975 Sacred Heart School, Menlo Park, CA
1975 University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, CA
San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA
Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
City of San Francisco
Container Corporation of America
Westinghouse Corporation
Dewey & Craig, Foster City, CA
The Rucker Company, Oakland, CA
Carroll, Burdick & McDonough, Oakland, CA
The Bank of California, San Francisco, CA
Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco, CA
Boraccia & Associates, Petaluma, CA
ARCO Chemical Company, Newton Square, PA
Kaiser Permanente, Dallas, TX
Kaiser Permanente, Roseville, CA
Homart Development, South San Francisco, CA
City of Sunnyvale, CA


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Copyright © 1998 Matt Glavin Gallery Of Fine Art
Last modified: May 02, 1999