Real Name:
Brian Warner
Rock Musician
Birth Place:
Contact Address:
A Lttle Of The Meaning Of Marilyn Manson
OK, I Know all of u bible thumpers out there
think Manson is satanic and stuff like that.But that is not true at all.Manson believes in himself , not some fake god. OK?
His music does not talk about suicide or any crap like that.His music talks about alot of intelligent things. Manson himself has alot of smart philosophys and is a smart person. I will later put a section about his philosphys and beliefs. Oh, yeah he never removede his ribs. It is just a dumb rumor like:"Manson was paul pheiffer on the wonder years" Thats bullshit ok?
Official Marilyn Manson Site: Very Good
Marilyn Manson Charnel:Good info and stuff
Manson video(anuthorized video biography of manson) :should look at this.Interesting
Manson's breif Biograpphy
Manson was born in Canton,Ohio. Mother:Barbara Warner. Father:Hugh Warner
He lived there until after he graduated then moved to florida. He went to journalism school and wrote poems and send them to magazines. Then he formed the band Marilyn Manson and the spooky kids. Later Trent Renzor got them on his record label.They Released "PORTRIAT OF AN AMERICAN FAMILY" their first CD. Later released "Smells like children" which the songs were covers or remixed from the last cd. "Sweetdreams" was a hit for that record. In 1996 they released "Anti-Christ Superstar" which became a multi platinum record. Hits were: "The Beutiful People","Antichrist SuperStar" and "Tourniquet".Later after their most succesful album , in 1998 They released "Mechanical Animals" Which became a platinum record with hits like:"The Dope Show","I Dont Like The Drugs" and "Coma White". Manson is currently engaged with actress Rose Mcgowan.