The Muscular System: Muscle Physiology Day 1

Introduction: Muscle tissue is one of the 4 basic tissue types. Its most unique characteristics are:

1. It has the ability to contract (become more compactly oriented).

2. It has the ability to perform work.

Both are fundamental to our survival!

The basic unit of muscle tissue is the muscle cell (or muscle fiber) which has an elongated shape.

A. Muscles are found:

1. Connected to bones where they collectively permit movement.

2. As components of other organs such as the digestive and respiratory tracts and blood vessels.

B. Muscle Types: Muscles have many different shapes and functions, but all are classified into 1 of 3 types.

1. Smooth (non-banded or striated) Muscle: These muscles consist of single contractile cells. It is found lining the walls of the digestive tract and the uterus and lining blood vessels and some ducts.

2. Cardiac (semi-banded or striated) Muscle: These muscles also are composed of single cells, but the organization of the macromolecules is greater which makes the muscles appear semi-banded. Obviously, cardiac muscle is located in the heart.

3. Skeletal (bandedor striated) Muscle: This is the most abundant muscle type and is easily identifiable by its striations or bands. In skeletal muscle, each muscle "cell" is a fused set of dozens or even hundreds of cells. The muscle cells that result are usually very long, and they are called muscle fibers or myofibrils . A large number of these fibers is what constitutes the organ called a muscle.

Striated muscle is the muscle associated with the skeleton and is the most researched and understood type.

Skeletal muscle function by exerting a force in one direction. The act of contraction is an active process, while relaxation is a passive process. This means that contraction requires a stimulus and relaxation is the result of simply the cessation of that stimulus.

Since a given muscle can only exert a force in one direction, all locomotion requires that 2 sets of muscles that move the involved body parts in opposite directions. They essentially work against each other and as such are referred to as antagonists.

Contraction Relaxation
Stimulation occurs when acetylcholine is released from the end of a motor neuron Cholinesterase causes the acetylcholine to decompose and the muscle fiber membrane is no longer stimulated.
Acetylcholine diffuses across the gap at the neuromuscular junction Calcium ions are actively transported into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Muscle fiber membrane is stimulated and a muscle impulse travels deep into the fiber through the t-tubules Cross-bridges between actin and myosin filaments are broken.
Calcium diffuses from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm and binds to troponin molecules Actin and myosin filaments slide apart
Tropomyosin molecules move and expose specific sites on actin filaments Muscle fiber lengthens as it relaxes. Resting state is reestablished
Cross-bridges form between actin and myosin filaments Troponin and tropomyosin molecules inhibit the interaction between actin and myosin filaments
Actin filaments slide inward along myosin filaments  
Muscle fibers shorten as contraction occurs  

E. Graded Responsesof Muscles: All muscle fibers have the functional feature of an all or none response. This means that a fiber can contract only after it has received stimulus response that is great enough. When that happens the fiber contracts with near complete contraction strength.

Though individual muscle fibers contract completely or not at all, that doesn't mean the entire organ (the muscle itself) contracts to the same level. Instead they are under our control and the result is called a graded response. Each nerve fiber to a muscle branches, making a single nerve fiber capable of supplying up to 100 muscle fibers. The muscle fibers and the motor neuron that it stimulates form a single motor unit.

The contraction of a muscle fiber is called a twitch. The number of twitches in a muscle is called summation. Summation is a condition during which nerve impulses arrive at a muscle before its previous contraction has ended. This is because the sarcoplasmic reticulum lacks the ability to move all the calcium out of the cell's cytoplasm quickly enough. This makes the strength of summated contractions always greater than that of individuals twitches. Uncontrolled and controlled summation results in tetany (a state of maximum sustained muscle contraction).

eg. Making a fist places the muscles of the lower arm and hands into a state of tetany.

F. Some Considerations for Smooth Muscle:

1. Smooth muscle cells consists of slender, elongated cells that lack striations and are uninucleiated (striated muscles have many nuclei).

2. Smooth muscles cells are arranged in sheets in the walls of the colon or as straps around certain blood vessels. The cells are linked together by collagen fibers.

3. The cytoplasm of these cells contain many actin filaments whose ends are inserted into the inner surface of the plasma membrane. A molecule that is similar to (but not) myosin is also present that has heads like those in myosin.

4. Smooth muscles cells contract much more slowly than striated muscle cells but can sustain that contraction for far longer that striated muscles.

5. There is no sarcoplasmic reticulum in smooth muscles (also called visceral muscles). The contractions are slow and sustained. Smooth is also not under voluntary control because they lack highly structured neuromuscular junctions. Smooth muscles are referred to as visceral muscles because it is found in visceral organs.

6. Smooth muscle cells can respond to hormones.

7. Smooth muscle contains no sarcomeres, but thin and thick filaments are collected into bundles that resemble myofibrils. The ratio of thick to thin filaments is very different in smooth muscle. In skeletal muscle that ratio is 1:2, but in smooth muscle the ratio is 1:16.

8. Contraction of smooth muscles in the urinary bladder, rectum, and uterus assist with expelling their contents.

9. Smooth muscle is generally distinguished in 2 ways:

a. Single-unit smooth muscle: The cells contract as a rhythmic unit and are electrically coupled to each other. The linings of the colon, urinary bladder, and other visceral organs consist of single unit smooth muscles.

b. Multiunit smooth muscle: Here the fibers work independently of one another. There are many nerve endings in multiunit smooth muscles and a motor unit forms with a number of muscle fibers. The linings of the airway to the lungs and large arteries contain multiunit smooth muscle. So too does the erector pili muscles of the hair follicles which cause "goose bumps" when you are cold or emotionally stimulated.

G. A Few Considerations for Cardiac Muscle:

1. They are found only in the heart, and have only a single nucleus per cell.

2. Cardiac muscle is semi-striated and richly supplied with mitochondria.

3. The cells are often branched to form an interlocking network of cells. The ends of cardiac muscle cells are bound firmly together by intercalated disks. These are sites that allow easy flow of electrical current which is associated with the heart beat.

4. There is a T tubule system and sarcoplasmic reticulum in the cells of cardiac muscle.

5. Cardiac muscle is not under direct voluntary control, but there are people who have the unique ability to control their heart rate. This is not fully understood.

H. The Major Skeletal Muscles (as organs) of the Human Body:

1. External Characteristics:

a. The are relatively long and narrow with both ends usually attached directly to bones.

b. Each skeletal muscle has a fixed end (called the origin) and a movable end (called the insertion). Most of the time the origin is more medial then the insertion. Some muscles have multiple origins and insertions.

eg. The biceps brachii has 2 origins and 2 insertions.

c. In some cases the muscles is attached to the bone by a tendon. Tendons are band-like connective tissues made of protein. They vary is length from less than a inch (the cervical tendon) to more than a foot (the Achilles' tendon).

d. Muscles can also be attached to bones by aponeuroses, which are sheet-like strips of thin tendons.

e. All skeletal muscles have a specific action (function). Movement of the body requires the actions of 2 or more muscles that work in opposition to each other. The muscle(s) acting most directly and powerfully during a given movement are called prime movers or agonists. The opposers or "undoers" of that movement are called antagonists.

eg. The triceps brachii is the antagonist of the biceps brachii.

f. Most body movements are the results of the complex actions of groups of flexors, extensors, rotators, and other muscles. Many of the muscles of the body are named in association with their individual function(s), and contain in their name term such as flexor, extensor, abductor, adductor, levator, depressor. retractor, protractor, rotator, and sphincter.

Muscles of the Shoulder and Upper Arm

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Serratus Anterior Ribs (upper 8 or 9) Scapula To draw the scapula and upper extremity outward
Trapezius Occipital Bone and
Vertebrae (Cervical and Thoracic)
Clavicle and Scapula Adducts the shoulder girdle, pulls the entire upper extremities toward trunk, and rotates the scapula during abduction of the arm
Latissimus Dorsi Vertebrae (lower), Ilium (crest), and Lumbodorsal Fascia Humerus To extend the arm and antagonize the Pectoralis Major
Pectoralis Major Clavicle, Sternum, and Costal Cartilage of true ribs Humerus Abducts the arm 
Pectoralis Minor Ribs (2nd to 5th) Scapula Adducts the scapula and depresses the shoulder
Deltoid Clavicle and Scapula Humerus Abductor of the arm. Also flexes and extends the arm
Coracobrachialis Coracoid process of the scapula Shaft of the humerus Flexion and adduction of the upper arm
Supraspinatus Posterior surface of the scapula Humerus Abducts the upper arm

Muscles that Move the Forearm

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Pronator Teres       
Pronator Quadratus      
Biceps Brachii      
Triceps Brachii      

Muscles of the Abdominal Wall

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
External oblique      
Rectus abdominus      
Transverse abdominus      
Internal oblique      

Muscles that Move the Thigh

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Psoas major      
Gluteus maximus      
Gluteus medius      
Gluteus minimus      

Muscles that Move the Lower Leg

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Biceps femoris      
Rectus femoris      
Vastus lateralis      
Vastus medialis      
Vastus intermedius      

Muscles that Move the Ankle and Foot

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Tibialis anterior      
Peroneus tertius      

Muscles of Breathing

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
External Intercostals      
Internal Intercostals       

Muscles that Move the Head

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Splenius capitis      
Semispinalis capitis      

Muscles of Facial Expression and Mastication

Medial Pterygoid
Orbicularis Oculi
Orbicularis Oris

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