Westminster Post & Beam
59 Minott Road,
Westminster, MA 01473

Skip and Nancy's home Page 3
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In early November 1999, Westminster Post and Beam erected a white pine timber frame on a hill in Petersham.
The pictures that follow show the building of Skip and Nancy's new home.
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The frame gets stess skin panels 

Stress skin panels complete.

Panelled frame trimmed out with gable end extensions and soffits.

The masons continue up the exterior gable end.

A view from down the hill a ways....Why is it always getting dark when I take pictures?

Yes, the chimney is leaning......about 1" for each beer the masons drank before lunch time.
Sometimes you don't get to pick all the subs.

Some windows in...and still the sun sets.

The massive stone corner fireplace from inside.

Another view of the 20 foot high fireplace.

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