skullcand1.gif (6661 bytes) Happy Halloween skullcand2.gif (6646 bytes)

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have a spooktacular halloween!!

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Hi! I made this page for my boys, Mike who is 10 and Riley who is 8. I have created this page as a special surprise for them for Halloween!! I would love to have 1 million hits to this page by October 31, 1998 as an extra special surprise for them!!! Please forward this to all of your friends in E-Mail and ICQ. Help me get a million hits for 2 wonderful kids!

Well, we did not quite make it but the boys LOVED IT!  Mike is now 11 and Riley 9.  Let's try again for 1999!

If you get a chance, sign our guestbook to let us know you were here!

skullcand1.gif (6661 bytes)           skullguest2.gif (3640 bytes)           skullcand2.gif (6646 bytes)

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You Are trick-or-treater Hit Counter to knock on our door


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This site created on 9-26-1998,  and re-"vamped " (LOL) on 7-24-1999, with love, by Mom!!!!!!  

Happy Halloween Mike and Riley!!!!!!

hallaward1.jpg (17039 bytes) Awarded 1998

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Awarded 1999


 trick.jpg (53269 bytes)Awarded 1999

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Awarded 1999

Mom's Site Shelly'Scene

Mike's Page

Riley's Page

Have a Halloween Site? Click here to apply for Shelly'Scene Spooktacular Award