Chinese Chess or Xiang Qi

See the game board
	1st century AD (0795 AD)
	Chinese introduce new pieces to Chinese chess (siang ki) 
	2 sections divided by a river.
	Each section is composed of 8 x 4 sqaures
	Pieces are placed on the points.
	Crossing the river counts as moving to a new point
	Pawn x5
		Forward one point to move and capture.
		May move sideways after crossing the river
	Cannon x2 
		Moves orthogonally
		Must jump a piece before it can capture
	Rook x2
		Moves and captures Orthogonally
	Knight x2
		Moves one space orthogonally
		Then one space diagonally
		Can not jump
	Elephant x2
		Moves 2 spaces diagonally.
		May not cross the river.
	Guard x2
		Moves one point diagonally
		May not leave the castle
		Moves one point orthongonally.
		May not leave the castle
		May not face off against an opposing king.
Example of initial Layout
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