Mako-chan's Guestbook
Hi, my name is Mako-chan. I'm the real Mako-chan, everyone else you see on the internet who claims to be the REAL Mako-chan can just kiss my ass, because I'm the real one. I also know the REAL Usagi, and no one else can be Usagi because she's the real Usagi. (BIG inside joke there, sorry if it offended anyone.)

This is the guestbook. There was one that was up at Toonzbook but I wanted a new one... I tried htmlGEAR, but because it lost its lack of customization I shyed away from it. Dreambook, even though it's a little lacking, will suffice just fine.

Intelligent flaming is okay, blatant spamming isn't. HTML is okay, so you can put banners to advertise your site, etc.-- but don't blatantly spam. I don't really care if you sign my GB with the intention of getting more hits on your webpage as long as it doesn't appear that way (suck up to me in every way you can if you're going to do that.)

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