Chapter Two: A Most Unusual Day SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Scully's Quarters The alarm beeped, signalling that it was 0500 hours and counting. Scully got up, and turned it off. Going to the shower, she washed off for ten minutes, using shampoo and soap supplied by the generous captain. Getting out she used a towel, also supplied by the captain. Dressing, she donned the green uniform which had been replicated by the captain. Lastly, Scully pinned on the comm badge which Janeway had given to her. "Well, Dana, are you ready for a day with a hologram?" she asked herself. "As ready as I'll ever be," she answered. She walked out the door, ready for an experience with a emergency medical holodoctor. SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Mulder's Quarters The alarm beeped, but there was no one around to hear it. At least, no one asleep to hear it. The shower was going, and Mulder was singing. "They made up their minds And they started packing. They left before the sun came up that day. An exit to eternal summer slacking. But where were they going without ever knowing the way? They drank up the wine, and they got to talking They now had more important things to say. And when their car broke down they started walking. But where were they going without ever knowing the way? Anyone can see the road that they walk on is paved in And it's always summer, they'll never get cold. They'll never get hungry, They'll never get old and gray. You can see their shadows wandering off somewhere They won't make it home but they really don't care. They wanted the highway They're happier there today- today. The children woke up. But they couldn't find them They left before the sun came up that day They just drove off, and left it all behind them. Where were they going without ever knowing the way? Anyone can see the road that they walk on is paved in And it's always summer, they'll never get cold. They'll never get hungry, They'll never get old and gray. You can see their shadows wandering off somewhere They won't make it home but they really don't care. They wanted the highway They're happier there today-today!" he sang, finishing with a flourish and turning off the water. Just then it came to him how much the song related to the crew of Voyager and what he understood of their situation. He shook it off, then got dressed. he thought to himself. Suddenly the comm in his room clicked. {Bridge to Mr. Mulder,} the captain's voice said over the comm system. "Mulder here," he replied, crossing his fingers that they could hear him. {Mr. Mulder, please come to the bridge. We need to discuss a few things.} "On my way," he said, turning to go out the door and find his way to the bridge. SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Jeri's Quarters The alarm chirped, telling Jeri in its own annoying voice that she had to get up. She lifted her head from the pillow groggily, and sighed. "All right, all right," she said to it. "I'm up, I'm up. You can stop yelling at me." She got up, and headed over to where the alarm sat, waiting to be turned off. Jeri picked it up, trying to figure out how to turn it off. She went to touch a button, seemingly to turn it off, but at the last moment decided to throw it against the wall instead. The resulting sound satisfied Jeri, and so she decided to get ready for the day, though she had nothing planned. She showered, then quickly dressed. Walking out the door, she grabbed the comm badge that the captain had given her, and headed towards the Mess Hall. SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Sickbay "This is called a hypospray," the Doctor said to his new student. "To inject the patient with the medicines inside, simply place it on their neck and push this button. The hypospray will make a sound ." Scully nodded, trying to understand it all. It wasn't that she didn't understand it, the Doctor made sure that he phrased it in terms she could understand. It was more like her brain didn't compute it, didn't want to compute it. "Ms. Scully? Are you all right?" he said worriedly, breaking her reverie. She looked at him, bringing her attention to what he was saying. "Yes, yes. I- I'm fine," she replied. "As I was saying, this button here will raise the sides on the biobeds," he said, then looked more closely at her. "Ms. Scully, are you really all right? You look ill. Perhaps you should lie down for a bit and let me check you "I assure you, Doctor," she said in reply. "I am fine. There's no need for that. Thank you for your concern." The holodoctor nodded. "I think that you know enough about the biobeds and hyposprays. Why don't you show me how well you know it?" Scully nodded, picking up a hypospray. "Who should I inject it into?" The Doctor walked over to her, and pointed to his neck. "Here. You can inject me. It won't hurt me, I'm a hologram, not a living human." Scully nodded, then bringing the hypospray up to the Doctor's neck, injected him with whatever was in the hypospray. Scully was surprised by how easy it was to use the hypospray, and wondered if all the technology and science items were as easy to use as the hypospray. Then she remembered the holodeck, and realized that you had to know how to use them for it to be easy. The Doctor smiled. "Impressive," he said, looking at her. "Tom Paris couldn't master the hypospray as quickly as you have. Now, how about you show me how to use the biobeds." The Doctor climbed onto a biobed, as Scully went to the side. She then pushed the button that he had shown her, and then stepped back as the siding went up. "Very good," the Doctor commented. "Now get me out." Scully hesitated. She had no clue which button to push to make the siding go down. The Doctor noticed this hesitation and sighed. "The button next to the one you pushed," he said frantically trying to get out. When she pushed the one to the left, his program began to fuzz. "No, no, no, the one on the right, the right!" She pushed the correct button at last and sighed. she thought. She could feel her cheeks reddening already as the fuming doctor pushed himself onto the ground once more. SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Bridge Mulder entered the bridge, unaware of what was to come. He walked, straight, and confident, but inside his thoughts were in turmoil. "Mr. Mulder," the captain said, having heard the turbolift and turning around, seeing him. "Captain," he replied to her. Seeing the first mate, he said, "Chakotay." "Mr. Mulder," the second-in-command replied. The captain stood, as did Chakotay. "Come with me to my ready room. You too, Chakotay." Chakotay and Mulder exchanged looks. Both had no idea why they were going in there, but Janeway was the captain of Voyager, so they both followed blindly. Kathryn noticed the exchange and grinned. "Don't worry. Neither of you are in trouble," she said as she walked towards her ready room. "Mr. Paris, you have the bridge." SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Mess Hall Jeri turned towards the doorway and waited for it to slide open. Then she entered the busy mess hall. Neelix must have been behind the counter somewhere, in the back. So Jeri just got on the line that was forming in front of the counter. It was a long line, filled with many uniformed people. She felt way out of place. she reasoned with herself to feel better. The woman in front of her appeared to be in her mid- twenties, with blond hair pulled back into an efficient bun. She seemed to be wearing a silver catsuit, with huge four inch heels on her feet. The woman seemed to feel Jeri's scrutiny, and turned around. "Do you find something unusual about me?" she asked with a droll voice. Her face was even more interesting. Above her left eye was metal-plating, stretching more than halfway around the outside of her eye. Jeri took a few moments to respond, due to her interest in the woman's implant. "I'm sorry for staring. I was just wondering why you weren't in the same uniform as everyone else." Sudden recognition dawned on her. "You're Seven of Nine, aren't you?" "That is correct," she replied. "Do I know you?" Jeri shook her head. "No, you don't know me," she replied with a smile. That seemed to confuse Seven. "Oh. Then how did you know my name?" Jeri hesitated. She didn't want to tell anyone how she knew anyone's name yet. They would throw her in the brig. "I must have overheard someone describe you," she answered with a shrug. Seven of Nine seemed to accept that, and then turned her attention back to the front of the line, which had just started moving because Neelix had just brought the food out. The line started moving, quickly and efficiently. When Jeri got to where Neelix was serving the food, she saw that there were many different kinds of food. Jeri couldn't recognize any of them. Neelix handed her a plate. "And what would you like, young lady? My name is Neelix, and I can get you whatever you'd like, so much as we have it in supplies." "I'm Jeri, Jeri Nivene. Do you have any toast? Maybe some cereal?" she asked. Neelix shook his head. "I don't make toast, or have any cereal. But I'm sure that you can replicate some." Jeri grew confused. "Replicate? Never mind. What's that?" she asked, pointing to a reddish-brown porridge. "That? Ah, that is my specialty. It's a Talaxian delicacy. Here, try it." "Well, all right," Jeri sighed, handing her plate over to Neelix, who heaped the Talaxian porridge on in a huge "I wouldn't try it if I were you," a voice said as a man approached the two people at the table, disregarding the people waiting on line. "Why not, Mr. Kim?" Jeri asked. Harry looked at her in surprise. "Because that thing is spicy, spicier than you might think. I overheard you say that you wanted toast and cereal. I'll help you replicate "Well, thank you." Jeri handed the plate back to Neelix, then took Harry's offered armÿÀand headed off towards the replicators. Neelix called after them. "What should I do with the food?" Harry glanced over his shoulder. "Recycle it through the replicators!" he called back with a laugh. Jeri grinned, and wondered where the hell all these weird people came from. SD 7607.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Sickbay Five hours and twenty mistakes later, Scully was ready to call it quits for the day. Thankfully the Doctor picked up on that, and decided to have a break. "Perhaps it is time for a break. You look tired. Maybe you should go down to the Mess Hall and get something to "All right," Scully replied, though a little hesitant about going back down to the Mess Hall and facing Neelix. The Doctor took the tricorder from her, and she started to walk out the door. Scully paused in the doorway, waiting for him to follow her. When he didn't, she asked him, "Aren't you coming?" The Doctor looked up. "No. You forget I'm a hologram and do not need nutritional intake of food. Besides, with all the food poisoning that people get from Mr. Neelix's cooking, I'm sometimes glad that I do not need to eat." Scully smiled, then nodded. "All right," she said, walking out the door. SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Captain's ready room "As psych officer of the ship, you would have many responsibilities, which include but are not limited to counseling on the record, and performing psych evaluations, among other things. You would wear the green. Are you sure you're ready for this, Mr. Mulder?" Mulder nodded. He was sure that he could do this, and with Scully by his side, he was sure that he could do anything. "Good. We'll replicate a uniform for you, and then you can start. Chakotay will go over it in more detail. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for a duty shift, and I left Tom in charge of my bridge," Janeway said as she walked out of the ready room and onto the bridge. Chakotay and Mulder turned to each other and looked for a minute before sharing a grin. SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Mess Hall Jeri laughed at Harry's version of his first encounter with Tom Paris on Deep Space Nine. Though she had never met this Tom Paris, she felt like she already knew him by Harry's descriptions and stories. She took another bite of her replicated toast, finishing it off. Then, pushing the plate back, she concentrated on Harry's words. ". . . a couple of hours later we were here in the Delta Quadrant. It turns out that the Caretaker, called so by the Ocampa, who's planet he had destroyed, had brought us here in search of a new Caretaker. It was a hard decision for the captain to make, but she eventually decided to destroy the technology that could possibly bring us home rather than leave it to bring other innocents from their Quadrant. The whole crew respects her for it," Harry said, then paused. "Well, do you have any interesting stories to tell?" he asked Jeri was concentrating more upon who was coming through the door rather than his words, but the auto-response in her brain took over for her. "I broke a hockey stick over my brother's back one Easter vacation," she replied distractedly. Harry was shocked, to say the least. "Why?" Jeri's eyes followed the woman as she joined the line to get food. "He threw a basketball at me." "Oh," was all Harry could think of to say. The woman Jeri was so intently watching took her food from Neelix and gave him her thanks. Then she turned, looking for a spot to sit. Spotting Jeri, she waved. Jeri was forced to wave back. To Jeri's relief, she sat at an empty table and started eating. Suddenly another woman loomed up in front of her. She gasped, and jumped. Harry was obviously used to this, for all he said was "Seven." "Ensign Kim," she replied, nodding to him. "Ms. Nivene." "Won't you join us, Seven?" Harry asked Seven of Nine. Seven shook her head. "I do not require food intake at this time." Suddenly a man materialized next to Seven. "Seven, it would be a good chance to improve your conversational skills." "Very well, Doctor," Seven said, as she sat down next to Harry turned to the Doctor. "Aren't you needed in Sickbay?" he asked the Doctor jovially. "I suppose so, with Mr. Neelix's cooking. Well, cheerio!" the Doc said as he disappeared. Jeri smiled at the Doctor's joke, as did the others. Even Seven of Nine curved her lips upward in amusement. The sliding doors to the Mess Hall opened once more, and Harry turned to see who it was. Tom Paris strode through the door arrogantly, and, seeing Harry, waved. Harry waved back, then motioned for him to join them. Tom walked over to the table and sat down next to Harry. "Seven, Harry," he said, nodding. He then noticed Jeri. "Ah, you must be Jeri Nivene. I'm Lietenant Tom Paris, the pilot of this ship." Jeri shook his offered hand. "If you're the pilot, who's piloting the ship right now?" she asked. Tom smiled. "I'm off duty right now. One of the other pilots is at the helm. So, I hear you'll be going into security." "That's right, I'll be working with Lietenant Tuvok." There was silence for a few minutes, then Jeri spoke up. "Well, it was good meeting you all, and sharing stories, but I've been here for five and a half hours, so I think it's time that I leave. Bye." "Bye," everyone else said as Jeri got up and walked out of the Mess Hall. SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Mess Hall Scully sat, a padd in one hand and a fork in another. She read, at a table by herself, about the medicines and instruments that had been developed the years after she and Mulder had disappeared from the twentieth century. She was surprised, however, to learn that most of the medicines she had known were still in use. That made learning a whole lot easier for her. Suddenly the doors chimed open, and in walked someone with a green uniform on. Scully's head snapped up, since she had been told that besides her, only the Doctor wore the green. She was relieved to see that it was just Mulder, though where he had gotten the uniform was beyond her comprehension. She waved, and he walked over to her. "Hey," she said as he sat down across from her. "How has your day been?" "Not bad. The generous captain just replicated this uniform for me, after I talked to her about becoming the psych officer. Then I went back to my quarters to put it on, and then had the computer locate you. Once it told me that you were here in the Mess Hall, I headed here to eat with you. Which reminds me, I'm starving. That looks good, can I try a bit?" Mulder replied, pointing to Scully's food. She shoved the Talaxian porridge towards him. "Go ahead and finish it. I don't particularly care for it." "Thanks," Mulder replied, digging in to the spicy food. He shoved a forkful in his mouth and swallowed. He processed the taste for a few seconds, then he jumped up with a cry of dismay. "OW!!! Water, water, get me some water!" Scully couldn't help herself. She started laughing in fits, and soon was louder than Mulder with her laughter. Heads turned towards the two partners as Mulder tried to stop the pain in his mouth and Scully tried to stop the laughter in her heart. Scully was finally able to calm down enough to speak, and Mulder had found some regular, normal water. "Mulder, you. . . you. . . ate too much. . . at the same. . . same time," Scully managed to say between giggles. By now everyone had pretty much gone back to their conversations except for the table next to them, which contained Harry, Tom, and Seven. Harry laughed along with Scully, then commented to Mulder. "You must be Mulder, right? No one who knows Neelix's cooking would be stupid enough to eat all that at the same time." Mulder nodded. "You've got me pegged. Stupid. Gullible," he replied, looking pointedly at Scully with the pronunciation of gullible. "I'm going to get you for this, Scully. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but I'll get you." Scully laughed. "Sure you will, Mulder. Sure you will." Mulder stuck his tongue out at her, and pouted. "I will, and you won't even know it's coming." Seven of Nine looked on this exchange with interest. "I do not understand this. Humans find it productive, even fun to argue. And the feeling of revenge all species seem to share is found productive as well. It is not efficient to turn on each other." Harry and Tom started laughing. "Lighten up, Sev," Harry said. "Yeah," Tom chimed in. "Efficiency is irrelevant." Seven turned a penetrating glance at the two, which immediately shut them up. Scully and Mulder exchanged glances. The people of the twenty-fourth century were odder than any X-File they had ben working on, or had ever worked on. Mulder glanced back over to the three people sitting at the table next to them. "I think some introductions are in order," he said. "I remember you, Mr. Paris." "Tom," the lieutenant corrected. "Tom," Mulder corrected. "I think by now you all know who I am. Fox Mulder, your ship's new psych officer. And this person who I have declared revenge on was my partner back in the twentieth century, Dana Scully." Scully punched him in the arm, hard. "I can speak for myself, Mulder. I'm Dana Scully." "Harry Kim," the ensign said. "Please, call me Harry. Everyone does." "Almost everyone, Ensign Kim," Seven corrected. "My designation is Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One." "Also known around the ship as just plain Seven," Tom Mulder smiled. "I'm glad you have a nickname, Seven. I don't think I could remember that, even with my eidectic memory." Seven raised an eyebrow. "I also possess an eidectic memory." "Really?" Mulder asked. "I guess that's something we have in common." "Probably one of the only things," Harry said. "What do you mean?" Mulder asked. "What are you referring to?" Seven asked at the same time as Mulder. Harry looked bewildered for a second, then recovered his senses. "Well, Seven was Borg, around a year ago. I hardly doubt that you were Borg, Mr. Mulder." "Borg? What is that?" he asked. Harry looked at Seven. "Maybe you'd better explain that." Seven nodded. "All right. The Borg are a collective of many different species. Their thoughts are one, their actions one. They assimilate new species and their technology and add their uniqueness to their own. I used to be a Borg drone, but I was unassimilated a while ago." "Oh," Mulder replied. He glanced at Scully, who was a little surprised, but otherwise unphased. Scully took her cue. "So, what do holoprograms do you recommend?" "Well, you know, Sandrine's is good," Tom replied. Everyone stared at him, appalled at his brag. "What?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders. Harry shook his head. "It depends on what you like. There are sports, romantic, traditional, adventure, and holonovel programs. There's even a program based on old movie serials. Or you could even program your own." Mulder shook his head. "I don't think I could ever do something like that. How about you, Scully?" She smiled. "Maybe with some help, I could." "I'd be happy to help you if you two would like to program your own," Harry replied. "Thanks," Mulder and Scully both said, then grinned at each other and burst out laughing. It took another few minutes to get them to calm down enough to talk straight. Tom and Harry looked at one another, obviously really freaked out by the two partners, but had no time to comment on their irregular behavior, because just then the doors to the Mess Hall slid open to let another crew member walk in the doors. "B'Elanna! Over here," Tom waved to the new arrival. She got her food and headed over to where her friends were assembled. Seven of Nine moved over, and Harry moved to sit next to her. Then B'Elanna sat next to Tom. "B'Elanna, these people are Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. You know, the visitors. Mulder, Dana, this is our chief engineer, B'Elanna Torres," Tom said. "Hello," B'Elanna said in reply, dismissing them to eat her food. "Nice to meet you," Mulder said. B'Elanna glanced at "Same here, but will you please let me eat in peace for a few minutes? I haven't eaten for two days straight, and I'm famished." "Don't mind us, then. Mulder didn't mean anything by his constant chatter, that's just the way he is," Scully replied. "B'Elanna, don't you think that's a little unhealthy for you to skip meals? After all-" Tom started to say, but was cut off by a sharp glance from the half-Klingon. Harry turned to Seven of Nine, who had been watching this exchange with interest. "How are you doing up in Astrometrics?" "I have made progress in extending the long range sensors, and have been able to look at the maps that Starfleet has sent us. I have also been able to go over more of that data that we had been working on, and found several anomalies which I feel you should look at." "Interesting. What do you say we go look at it now?" Harry asked. Seven nodded. "Very well, Ensign." She stood, then nodded to Mulder and Scully. "Nice meeting you, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully." She then walked out of the Mess Hall, leaving Harry to catch up. "Nice meeting you, Mulder, Dana," he said, standing up, then running out the door. "Hey, Seven, wait up!" he yelled after her. Tom chuckled. B'Elanna finished her food, then pushed the plate away. "Tom, I have work to get back to, but first I'd like to make plans for later. Are you free tonight?" "Sure, B'Elanna. Where did you want to meet?" Tom replied, in his usual manner. "My quarters, say 2000? That's when I get off duty," B'Elanna said, glancing down at the empty plate. "Wow, I guess I was really hungry. I haven't eaten so much of Neelix's food in one time since. . . well, I've never eaten so much of Neelix's food in one time." Tom laughed, as did Scully and Mulder. "2000 sounds fine." B'Elanna stood, then bent to give Tom a kiss. "Then I'll see you then," she said to him. Then she turned to Mulder and Scully. "Nice meeting you, Dana, Mulder. I'm sorry about the rush meeting, but I do have tons of work to do down in Engineering. Maybe I'll see you around sometime when I'm less busy and able to talk a bit more. I'm a bit curious about you two." "Nice meeting you, too, B'Elanna," the two said in reply simultaneously. Then they looked at each other and burst out laughing. B'Elanna shook her head, and started walking out the door. Before she could get very far, however, she began to feel dizzy, and collapsed to the ground, unconscious before hitting the floor. Tom, who had been watching her, gasped, and leapt out of his seat and ran to her side. "God," Scully gasped out, as she leapt out of her own seat to help the fallen B'Elanna. She began to check the half-Klingon's vital signs, and found them to be almost normal. She didn't understand it. Luckily Tom knew how to handle this situation. His hand went to the comm badge pinned to his uniform. "Paris to transporter room 2, emergency medical transport, three to beam directly to Sickbay." Scully looked towards Mulder, who understood that she was probably going to be needed, and nodded. He'd meet up with her later in Sickbay. Her eyes caught his as the transporter beam dematerialized them in a blue sparkle and beamed them to Sickbay, where an activated doctor waited for his newest arrival. SD 7606.23 Delta Quadrant U.S.S. Voyager Sickbay The Doctor placed the hypospray on the unconscious lieutenant's neck, and she slowly came to consciousness. A worried Tom Paris was waiting off towards the side, and Scully trying to make sense of it all. She handed all the correct instruments to him as he asked for them, and he isolated the problem and took care of it. B'Elanna's eyes opened, and she tried to sit up, only to be restrained by the Doctor. Tom shot across the room to her, and embraced her to make sure that she was still there. She, in turn, embraced him the same way, while Scully and the Doctor looked on. The Doctor cleared his throat, letting them know that he was still active. Tom reluctantly let go, but still clutching her hand in his. "So, Doc, what's the diagnosis?" Tom asked tentatively. The Doctor looked down to his tricorder for effect, though it was clear he had their attention. "Well, Lieutenants, it seems that B'Elanna is three weeks pregnant. That alone would not have caused her to collapse, but I suspect that the pregnancy combined with stress, exhaustion, and the fact that Ms. Torres had skipped a couple of meals prior to today caused her collapse." Scully felt a pang of self-remorse. She knew that she would never be able to bear children, and had gotten used to the fact that other people could, but it still hurt to be reminded of the cold truth. B'Elanna looked shocked. She was speechless, and was unable to decide if this was a good thing or a bad thing. Tom, however, was elated. He decided something right then, and also decided to act on this impulsive decision. He helped her sit up on the biobed, and got down on one knee, taking her hands in his. "B'Elanna," he started. B'Elanna cut in. "Tom, if you're going to do what I think you're going to do, please don't because you think this is the right thing to do. Do it only if you mean it." "I do mean it. I love you B'Elanna, and I want to raise our child together. B'Elanna Torres, will you marry me?" B'Elanna was shocked again. But this time she wasn't speechless. "Yes, Tom. I love you, too." Smiles went around the Sickbay, and Tom and B'Elanna were united once again that day, this time by the news that they had a future, one which they would share. "We have to tell the Captain," B'Elanna said. "As soon as possible." "You'll have the chance," the Doctor informed the happy pair. "She'll be here any minute." As if to prove the Doctor's point, the doors to Sickbay slid open and in walked Kathryn Janeway, looking concerned for her chief engineer. Her concern turned to relief to see the half-Klingon sitting up on the biobed. "What happened?" Janeway asked the occupants of the room, though the question was stated more towards the Doctor or B'Elanna, than Tom or Scully. "I collapsed in the Mess Hall, Captain," B'Elanna said hesitantly. She looked at Tom, unsure of how to proceed. He nodded, telling her that however she wanted to tell Kathryn was fine by him. "First, I have to ask you something. Tom and I have decided to get married, and we were wondering if you would perform the ceremony." Janeway's face turned from shock to disbelief and finally to joy. "Of course I would! Congratulations, you "And that's not even the best news, Captain," Tom blurted out. Janeway stared at him, trying to figure out what would be better than marriage for these two. Tom continued. "B'Elanna's pregnant." Again the emotions played out on the captain's face. Again came the shock, and the disbelief, and the joy, but with it came something else, undetected to all but the Doctor, who prided himself on his people watching skills. He thought he saw a hint of bitterness. "That's great!" she cried, a very happy expression on the captain's face. The Doctor wondered if he had maybe imagined the bitterness he had seen on her face. "When are you due, B'Elanna?" Janeway asked. The very happy parents-to-be looked at each other. "Eight months and a week. I'm three weeks along now," B'Elanna replied. Janeway smiled. "That's great. Would you like me to make a ship wide announcement, or would you rather tell people personally?" Tom looked at his fiance. "Would it be okay with you if the captain here announced it, B'Elanna?" She nodded. "It would probably save us time, but don't you think we should wait to tell people I'm pregnant until after the wedding?" "You're probably right," Tom said. Then he turned to Janeway. "Captain, would you announce the marriage today or tomorrow, and then after we're married announce the pregnancy?" "Of course. I'll announce things right now. And you can call me Kathryn when we're off-duty, Tom," Kathryn replied, her hand going to her comm badge. "Janeway to all crewmembers. I have an important announcement to make. It seems that there will be a wedding in the future. Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres are now engaged." Janeway paused. "Did you guys have a date yet?" she asked the two lieutenants. They glanced at each other. "It should be soon, so I can fit into the dress," B'Elanna said. "Besides, I always wanted to get married in June. How about the twenty fifth?" Tom agreed, and Janeway hit her comm badge once more. "It seems that they will be getting married June twenty- fifth. Janeway out." Tom and B'Elanna just grinned, and kissed as the doors to Sickbay slid open and Mulder walked in and kissed Scully.