Links to sites and sounds

The Best Flight Sticks Are Made At  Suncom Want to know who makes the best Flight Sticks ?....well, look no further than at  " Suncom ". These are my preferred types of Joysticks, I have the
F-15e Talon and I have the SFS Throttle...

 Makers of Longbow 2 This Site has online gaming, and a number of demo's available . They are the overall best Flight  Sim makers on the market...

If you fly F-15 or Fighter's Anthology...take a trip to one of my good buddy  Maverick 's Site   (  The VFSI Flight Squad   )

The Brotherhood Clan  Think you're good at Starcraft ??...And you think you have what it takes to become a Starcraft team member ??... Well, take a visit to the Brotherhood society. Any questions ??... E-Mail  Z-man .
Flight Sims don't get any better than this Looking for Realism ??...You want feel the G-Forces whip you back in your seat ??...Well, your in for the ride of your life with  " Falcon 4.0 ". made by Microprose...
 101st Airborne Division This is my Good Bud Wildo 's Site for Longbow 2...He also has a squadron. So what are you waiting for ??...Go check it out ! (  101st Airborne Division  )

BattleCom  Ever want to have Voice comms in a Longbow 2 game or in Falcon 4 ??...This is the cutting edge technology that let's you do that...BattleCom is by far the clearest voice program I have ever used... 

 Roger Wilco This is another voice program that is available till March ( 1999  ). I have some comparisons of them and they are here... Look Down Dumbass

  ****  Warning, the following contain expletives  ****

Brand X = this is the " other " brand  ( Let it load )

Roger Wilco = this roger Wilco at it's finest  ( let it load )