Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of the Superheroes

Welcome to my page. This page was designed for some specific reasons. The first of these reasons was to help people develop legitimate game playing skills. The second reason was to have a place where I could write down the information I have learned. The third was to speak out against the cheap players who conduct themselves in a dishonorable manner in the arcades.

What you will find on this page:

What you will not find on this page:

Send Comments and suggestions to Webmaster.

Over the past 3 weeks we have recieved a considerable amount of e-mail begging for us to get this page updated before Marvel vs Capcom is released for Dreamcast. We've managed to semi update the combo sections for each character. We'll put up more when we have time. Strategy Sections will be updated first for the Secret characters, then for the regular characters. Combo theory will be expanded upon more as time allows, there hopefully will be time to discuss certain topics in a greater depth and also to go into those topics which we did not have the time to cover yet. We strongly advise you not to rip off our material, as we've put a substantial amount of time into trying to get this page up and running before the game is released for Dreamcast. The page may appear chaotic over the next month, bear with us as these changes are necessary so that this page will be more beneficial to those who visit it. Try to only e-mail us with urgent matters as the time will be directed more towards updating, then towards the answering of e-mail.

Combo Rules, theory, etc.

Combo Rules, theory, etc. II

Ground Comboability

Helper Codes

Jumpin Comboability


Secret Character Codes

Captain America Captain Commando Chun-li Gambit Gold Warmachine Hulk Jin
Lilith Megaman Morrigan Orange Hulk Red Venom Roll Ryu
Shadow Lady Spiderman Strider Venom War Machine Wolverine Zangief

This page is not affiliated with Marvel or Capcom. Those names and the names and likenesses of all the characters in this game belong to those two companies. Also, any titles that the charcters appeared in the past are also property of either Marvel or Capcom. These two companies hold the copyrights on all the above likenesses and images, as well as all applicable items which I forgot to mention.