A section Dedicated To Magical Poetry

If you would like to submit a magical poem to this site Please email it to me for review along with your magical name to receive credit.
Blessed are those who walk in the light for thay guide us forever forward with an open heart and open mind and with perfect love and perfect trust.Blessed Be to All who walk in the light by(MysticalWolf!)
In the dark of night
I can see her flame
The mystical lady
of a thousand names
hail to the north south east and west
she guides and protects her children
from the rest!!!
a quote from MysticalWolf.BLESSED BE
Circle of starlight,Circle of fire
filled with enchantments bright with desire
Turning turning beginning to end
end to beginning again and again
Circle of wisdom,Circle of love
silver with moonbeams bright from above
Circle of death,Circle of re-birth
Circle of the mother earth
Shining,shining for ever and ever
Spining,spining,ending never
Weaving the threads of the midnight hour
Weaving the web of the goddess power!!!

thats called the Magick Circle by Gerina Dunwich.
Well i hope to hear from some
of my wiccan brothers & sisters out there.
To help build this page.. BLESSED BE TO ALL!
.Sitting but the fire the warrior waits for his lady to arrive,..... Moving slightly he feels the pain of the last battle,He sighs and realises he's no longer a young
warrior,slowly the night arrives, He grows impatient,Fire blazes but he longer seems warm,he lays down, then he wakes ,he feels her,he hears her,he senses her,slowly he rises they Embrace for the first time,they kiss for the first time,slowly they take hands
and walk into the mist,the warrior feels young again now for he's Lady Death and finally come for him...............

And here's the other one
....The winds run down the Glens and sing to the audience of living things,My heart stops as i hear the roars and battle cries of the long dead hero's of the Isle,They fought for glory,They fought for freedom and,they fought for love,The love of their country,the love for their wild untamed hearts,Irelands forgotten hero's,who only live in songs.The songs of the long dead bards.It echo's in my ears,It echo's in my blood,but most of all it echo's in my heart
Submitted By:Celticmyths;Dec 5th 1998
  "Faery Magick"
by Frater Thoth
B'neath the roots of ancient oaks
in caverns deep within the earth
live hidden from top-worldly folks
a faery tribe of priestly worth.
Skyclad 'round the faery ring,
work the work, and dance and sing.
The moonlight brings them to the wood
while crickets serenade their flight.
They work their work for good or ill,
a time of wonder... Faeries night.
'Round and 'round and 'round they wing,
skyclad 'round the faery ring.
Submitted By;Frater Thoth:Jan 2nd 1999
Thanks Thoth

Links & A Few Guitar Riffs I Made

MAIN INDEX PAGE: For Quick Access to other pages
Metal World mp3: Rock Guitar Instrumental I Made 4.3meg
Yesterdays News mp3: Another Instrumental I Made on My Guitar 5.3meg
Beyond The Realm mp3: Instrumental 3.09meg
House Blues mp3: Instramental 3.72meg


Sunbury, PA 17801
United States

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