/////April 1, 2002 - 12:21am/////


The stars were in fact aligned for me last week. Just for the sake
of entertainment I hope it last longer...much longer. Let's start
from the beginning:

Monday, I met Shaheem Reid who until then wasn't real to me
- just a figure whose talent I aspire to match. Of course I still
haven't heard back from him about lunch. He`s probably blowing
me off, but oh wells. So, the alignment is slightly off.

Tuesday, I get a call from Island Records, and finally will be
interviewing the band I've been working on for a month. Yay
for me!

Wednesday, I received a tree. I also have drinks with a cool
friend...that's always good.

Thursday, I come closer than a Asiaphile and his mail-order
bride to losing my highly coveted interview. With the help of a
very special person, I got through the pathetic mess of worry
and self-doubt, and managed to appear for the interview anyway. They still let me in. It went
well, and I got tons of great material for at least a couple of stories.

Friday, snowboarding. Speaks for itself.

Saturday, my streak seemed to come to a complete halt. I went out with a guy. Lunch in
Gramercy Park and people watching at Washington Square Park usually make for a relatively
pressure-free outing. Not for me. All I could think about was speeding things along to get my
ass to Warren's place and burn some CDs.

I've since then become an advocate for arranged marriages. Who needs this annoying mess? I
figure with arranged marriages, people are more likely to take their commitments seriously, and
tend to respect each other as equal partners. That's my take anyway.

People are getting together out of love everyday, and it's just a friggin' crock of shi -shi in the
end. I'm seriously not being negative and I DO believe in love. I just don't believe it's what we
read and hear about in books and songs. It's more real than what people write - more tangible.
When I know more what I'm saying I'll elaborate.

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