/////April 13, 2002 - 3:29pm/////



They don`t know my secret
that I am the warmth of the earth
the light in the heavens
the rhythm of the sea
the strength of mountains
and the soulof man
heated down to one body
reflecting all that is love.
-LN (April 2002)

/////April 9, 2002 – 10:48am/////


Finally Shaheem Reid calls me! I was started to feel rather dissed, when after leaving
essage upon message trying to sound as professional and unaffected as possible,
there was still no return. But he called me. Turns out he was out of town conducting
interviews and junk.

What a life! Can I have it? Then I could arrange as many interviews in Chicago as possible.
That would be so excellent. I almost lost my composure but got it together as I asked him to
lunch. Then I realized that lunch would be so inconvenient since he works in Times Square and I
work uptown, so we agreed to drinks on Tuesday. Drinks! Drinks with Shaheem Reid. Lalala! This
is too good.

There's a rally for peace in DC on Monday that was planning to attend. It's to support the terror
in Israel. But I'm starting to wonder if that's really a good idea. I mean, that's just a target
waiting to be hit. I'm not Jewish, and I'm not a Zionist. If this were strictly a peace rally it
might be worth dying for. But it supports one side of a war that sucks to begin with. I don't
support either side strongly enough to put myself in that position. Looks like I'll be stuck in
the city yet again. No biggie.

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