/////June 27, 2001 Part II - 11:08pm/////


Alright! I`m a wuss. I`ve decided not to pursue this boy. What`s the point? He`s a friend and I
have serious issues with friends crossing that thin relationship line into the unkown. So I`ll go
on admiring him from anear and keep my lusty desires to my cold showering self.

Today was a complete waste of time. I woke upat 10am. Lounged around for an hour or so.
Met up with some friends for lunch atAu Bon Pain on 54 and 3rd Avenue. I really don`t like that
place. I went to one oftheir stores years ago, and hatedand for some reason hoped I`d like it
this time. Nope, no dice. Afterwards, I wandered up and down 3rd Ave for a couple of hours
and then watched Evolution.What a total loser day! It was the perfect day for a love averse

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