/////August 1, 2001 Part II - 10:10am/////


What do you do when you find out one of your closest friends is a closet racist? I mean, a person
who reveals this flaw only once they are comfortable enough and think that you might share
these same views?

And what if you`re a person who despises any form of bigotry? Argh! I can`t even believe I have
a friend this narrow minded. And has the audacity to blame her ignorance on how she was raised?
Give me a break. Dang! If you know it`s how you were raised, use your free thinking mind and
change that perception within yourself.

The worse part of it all is that she always bi`tches about the racism she`s suffered growing up in
San Gabriel Valley, California which has an enormously high percentage of Asians. Who the hell
was racist towards her? That one (1) white guy in her high school where she was on the
Associated Student Body Government? Yeah, I guess racist people elect you to run their schools...

Well, the sad thing is that she can`t see that she`s behaving the same way her "oppressors" have
and will continue to do so under the mask that "I was treated bad, so I know the truth. And it`s
not my fault cuz my parents programmed me that way."

Sorry Charlie! But it doesn't work that way.

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