/////October 11, 2001 - 10:09am/////


It's been a month. Things haven't been the same since. I still freak out and jump when I hear
a siren. At times while at home, I'll even flip on the TV when that ear piercing sound reaches my
window. Paranoia has taken over my mind!

Celebrity sighting: Saturday I was running at Central Park with Sheila when running right
towards us in the opposite direction was Mr. Big. He is totally tall, and was pretty scruffy.

Yesterday morning I took a desperately needed brisk walk down to the village. It wasn't the
briskness that was need however. It was the the walk. It was amazing how fulfilling and healing
a sightseeing walk alone can be for your soul. I got to check in on stores that I had always
intended but never managed to visit. As I made my way back up Broadway toward Union Square,
I stepped into Strand Bookstore to pick up "Tender is the Night,"

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