/////November 19, 2001 - 1:28pm/////


This being my first holiday season in New York City, I expect to find myself participating in a
series of firsts. I'm looking forward to this Thanksgiving weekend in particular...another first.
At our humble yet spacially efficient apartment in midtown Manhattan, we will be host to a
Very Orphan Thanksgiving.

Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin orphanus, from Greek orphanos; akin to Old High
German erbi inheritance, Latin orbus orphaned

We won't be attending the Thanksgiving Day Parade...although it would make for a monumental
first. We are opting to watch in the tube while preparing our classic full course meal, switching
between the parade and football. I'm so excited about this meal, as I am about all food. For
starters, we'll be serving wine and cheese with crudites. See? I'm getting a lesson in
sophistication by the very act of serving this feast. I mean who would have known to call a
few mixed veggies, crudites? Not I said the fly. It sounds like some kind of soup dish containing
way too exotic ingredients even for my adventurous palate if you ask me. But you didn't so...

Back to the menu: then there's the bird, a 12 pound beauty waiting for her day in the tanning
bed to end all fake bakes. That happy hen will be a golden beauty by the time we're done with
her. Look out Pamela, here comes Jenny-O! It'll be served with all the good stuff. Mashed
potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, yum. You can't forget my unforgettable stuffing with
white raisins and fuji apples for added nutritional value. I could eat just that and die a happy
glutton. Damn! I just drooled. The meal will conclude with my very first pumpkin pie, homemade
whipped cream, then coffee. The most appealing part of Thursday night? Every course will be
served with a different kind of wine, four total. That's the boozer in me talking.

After coming out of our food comas, more guest will arrive to join us in a fun filled night of
Taboo and Scattergories. Those have got to be the best games ever, yah? At least for a
game night.
Then sleep..

I expect the remainder of my weekend to be pretty basic. Friday: Guggenheim, gym then sleep.
Saturday: gym then sleep. Sunday: gym then sleep. I gotsta work off the turkey but mostly it'll
be sleep...and more sleep. Maybe it's depression, maybe it's exhaustion, but I really love sleep.

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