Welcome to
North Augusta, South Carolina  29841

North Augusta is situated on the Savannah River just across from Augusta, Georgia.  If you come over the 13th Street Bridge into North Augusta, you will see our welcome sign on your right.
Welcome to North Augusta

Click on a photo to see the full-size version.
Lookaway Hall, a beautiful mansionOverlooking the center of North Augusta is the beautifully restored Lookaway Hall (19k GIF) (113k GIF), that faces the memorial park (29k GIF) (114k GIF).

You will want to stop by the NEW Chamber of Commerce building to get answers to any questions you may have about our fine town.  Welcome!  (803) 279-2323.Click to see our new home! or click on Welcome for the chamber website.

Golf, anyone?Perhaps you're up for a round of golf at North Augusta's River Course?Public invited!

Hungry?Afterwards you may wish to lunch nearby at B. C. Davenport (please be careful not to hit my car).

If you saved any room for it, be sure to stop off at the Pink Dipper for some of their delicious ice cream.  (223k GIF) Ice Cream--Flavors Galore!

 elementary schoolOur town is known for its fine school system.
This is North Augusta Elementary (JPG),
 which is located not far from the North Augusta Community Center (JPG). Meet here !

Grace United Methodist  Beautifully rebuilt after the fire North Augusta has a number of churches to welcome you.  Grace United Methodist (35k GIF) (151k GIF) has some beautiful stained glass windows and two services each Sunday morning.  Please do join us.  

Sweetwater Baptist Fairview Presbyterian First Baptist
church pic church pic The new FBC

First Providence
Baptist Church


Our Lady of Peace
  Roman Catholic


St. Bartholomew's


Holy Trinity Lutheran

Palmetto, in SC, naturallyFor your banking needs, you have several options, including Regions Bank (formerly Palmetto Federal), on West Avenue (GIF), just down the hill from the One-and-Only (still going strong) Sno-Cap Drive In.Sno Cap Drive In

For your health care needs, you'll have to find an alternative to the former University Health prompt care center downtown. (JPG) Nice pictures, eh?

Do plan to come soon to visit us here in our fine town,
North Augusta, South Carolina.

Mapblast City Map, Regional Map

Special Page by J. Barry Whitney, 1995+.  Comments welcome!
A SCIway South Carolina Web Site of the Day.
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*  Please visit the official City of North Augusta homepage.
*  What's new in North Augusta?
*  North Augusta Community Information and Economic Profile.
*  North Augusta Habitat for Humanity -- Photos!
*  North Augusta GEMS--Giving Encouragement and Mentoring Students
*  Find a Church in North Augusta.
*  North Augusta area schools     NAHS   Alumni     PKMS     Board of Education
*  More about the CSRA, the Central Savannah River Area of SC/GA.
*  Eye on the world--South Carolina.
*  Weddings in SC and GA.
*  Iris gardening in North Augusta.
*  Another North Augusta page.
*  Area web links.
*  Carolina Living's North Augusta/Augusta page.
*  Greeneway hiking/biking trail (a RailTrail -- scroll down to Greeneway listing).
*  Find North Augusta links using Infoseek .
*  An Augusta links page.
*  SCIway - The South Carolina Information Highway.
*  Aerial photo of North Augusta (1993)
*  North Augusta Classic Soccer Homepage

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Last update, August 14, 2001

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Remember: You can also find us at http://welcome.to/northaugusta