Odessa Arms, 1798
Epidemiological Observations of HIV/AIDS in Southern Region of Ukraine
Эпидемиологические наблюдения ВИЧ - СПИДа в Южном регионе Украины

by Dr. Nicolay Yu. Yusichenko / Николай Юрьевич Усыченко
Medical Adviser, The EDNIST Odessa Regional Association of HIV-positive Persons
Медицинский советник Ассоциации ВИЧ-инфицированных Одесской области ЕДНИСТЬ
The New York Academy of Sciences Member
European Public Policy Network on HIV and AIDS / EPPNA Member
[Reproduced from EPPNA Review, N 5, Winter 1997/98, pp. 6 - 7]

Nicolay Yusichenko with Lolita-Laura
Где бы вы не жили или работали вы обязаны знать о ВИЧ - СПИДе 

The results of the epidemiological monitoring of the spread of HIV-infection in Ukraine during the period 1987 - 1997 showed that there were more than 23,000 HIV-positive persons registered, but ultimately the real number of people living with HIV is unknown. 

During the period January - August 1997 new HIV infections were reported in 5809 Ukraine citizens and 7 foreigners. In the same period in 1996, only 2819 new HIV cases were reported. Therefore the incidence of new infections has risen by more than 200 % 
in a year. 

The cumulative number of HIV positive persons reached 10,068 by August 1997. In the period January - August 1997, 100 children were also registered as newly infected. Within the total number of persons registered as HIV positive, IVDUs had grown to 4932 compared with 2295 in the same period in 1996. 

In August 1997, new infections that month totalled 934 of which 804 (86 %) were IVDUs. 

With regard to AIDS diagnoses, 115 persons are registered, of which 3 are children and 32 are adolescents.

The majority of HIV and AIDS cases registered in 1997 are found in the southern regions of Ukraine. This was also the case in 1996, with the Dnepropetrovsk region having the highest rate of infection - 34.9 cases per 100,000. Other regions have rates of infection 
as follows: 

  • Odessa region                    - 33.8 
  • Donetsk region                   - 27.1 
  • Republic of Crimea              - 17.1 
  • Nikolaev region                   - 12.2 
  • Kiev (the Capital of Ukraine) - 13.0 
The average rate of infection for Ukraine is 11.3 per 100,000.

The last two years have shown an increased spread of cases of HIV-infection in children aged 0 - 19, many of whom are children born to HIV positive mothers. Up to the September 1, 1997, there were 227 HIV-infected children officially registered, 20 of them 
with an AIDS diagnosis. Twelve children have died as a result of AIDS. 

The majority of HIV-positive persons are in the age group 20 - 39, with the number of teenagers constantly increasing. During sociological interviews with young men (up to age 21) it was found that for more than 70 % of them their first sexual experience 
with women was pre-marital and included sex workers.

The total number of HIV-positive persons in cities of the southern Ukraine at present are: 

  • Odessa            - 7,164 
  • Donetsk           - 4,460 
  • Nikolaev           - 3,499 
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 2,791 
Since Since 1985 in Ukraine the birth rate has been decreasing. Previously the ratio of younger to older persons in the working population was approximately 40 : 60. Today in Ukraine is now 20 : 80. More than 49,4 % of the Ukrainian population are women aged 15 - 28. 

It is especially worrying in the context of the above statistics that more than 80 % of school-children show a decline in their physiological and mental status reflecting the general socio-economic problems of the country. The further development of the 
HIV / AIDS epidemic in a country with an already low birth rate and with a decline in general health will be very serious. 

Finally, from practical experience of the epidemic in the former USSR we in Ukraine know that alongside the wide use of safe sex practices we need to increase the use of specific drug therapies for HIV and opportunistic infections and make them available to 
the population in a way that is economically viable. 

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