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Though it might pretend, the horizon never changes.
Thank you for joining us at Mystic Horizon Press. We publish poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and visual art that celebrates all that is mystic within and around us. This is not to say that we limit ourselves to any particular form, genre or content, since there is mysticism in even the smallest, most mundane things. Rather, the works within these pages, presented by both beginning and more established artists, allow themselves to open up to what is mystic in everything. They do this through experimentation with form, through the beauty of language, through the sharp observant eye that shatters what we consider to be "normal."

As our site builds, I hope that you will return again and again to peruse the works we publish here, to read interviews with selected writers, to delve into the joy that is language. Thank you and welcome!
Tiffany A. Christian, Publisher
What's New?

November 15, 2005
In case you were wondering, we're still on hiatus. It's taken longer than I expected it to. I wanted to move the site to another host (still on Tripod), but I'm still trying to figure out how to manage it. So, for now, MHP stays here, and unfortunately this host name has reverted to free, so you'll be seeing ads if you click on the issues. Sorry about that. I'll fix it all as soon as I'm able. Until then, all three of our issues are now in Archives, and I won't take them down until I'm ready to move them or figure something else out.

Sunset on Newport Beach, California

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Let the horizon be your awakening...