Breath deeply from the air,
Do it for yourself, for they don’t care.
You are really just an amusing little toy,
Which just for fun, they are attempting to destroy.
They came at first to make amends,
Squirm into your life, posing as friends.
Acting as if they were your brother,
Making you think you need no other.
They vowed to be always at your side,
But now they have broken your spirit and crushed your pride.
You are right where they want you; you need them now,
You wonder why it has gone this far, but can’t remember how.
You search for a way out, but possibilities are few,
You can see only one way out, you know what you must do.
Oh yes, they have succeeded in their malicious little plan,
For you have seen fit to take destiny into your hands.
Now you can meet us, those who wait at the end of the trail,
All of us who in life’s senseless game have failed.
-Margi C.