Doctor’s Lament

Doctor's Lament

Silly child, doctors are for the truly ill,

What makes you think that we can help you?

What makes you think that we believe in you?

Fibromyalgia is only a catch-all word,

...a wastebasket diagnosis.

...meant to describe those who are chronic complainers,

...meant to appease those who insist that something is wrong,

....when we know.....It is all in your mind!

You say...walking causes you pain,

You say...repetitive motion causes you pain.

You say...that too much noise confuses you,

You can no longer remember things,

You say...You say...You say.

Here we sit, those of us in the know..on our pedestals,

...far more educated in these matters

...then you can ever hope to be.

Listening to you complain, listening to you bemoan your woes.

Patiently waiting for you to wake up from your self induced stupor,

Waiting for you to see that you are not special,

Waiting for you to see that you suffer no more then the rest of us.

Waiting for you to admit, that it is all psychosomatic,

Waiting for you to get a grip on yourself,

Come on now...get a life.

If we "In The Know" cannot see it, then it simply does not exist,

...and We are Infallible.

-Margi C.




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