Suicide or Murder?
A dark stranger entered her body,
He came to conquer. He came to destroy.
The conqueror became one with the conquered,
And as one, he manipulated all that she knew, or did.
There was a light, in the distance,
There was a glimmer of hope, maybe.
To control the pain,
To take back a small piece of her life,
To make sense of a senseless disease...
....this, was her quest.
The glimmer of hope came from a white coat and stethoscope,
He dangled the magic pill, which would give some relief....
....if only, for a short time.
She accepted this pill as if it were manna, sent from God.
Then the God with the stethoscope took it away.
The body ceased to listen; it became weak once more,
The dark stranger once again made his presence known.
Her body began to shake.....
.... from the thoughtless withdrawal, which was forced upon her,
The pain increased ten-fold and terror filled her soul.
The God in the stethoscope would deny her,
....the manna could not be obtained, until He decreed it.
What happened after has a simple explanation, so they say.
She took her own life.
I ask you now, who’s finger was on the trigger,
Hers, or the God with the stethoscope?
So can you answer me, was it suicide or murder?
-Margi C.