The Invisible Disease
What is it you ask, this invisible disease?
I answer, it is all encompassing,
It invades your mind, your body, your soul.
It eliminates your independence,
It restricts your cognitive process,
It invalidates your dreams for the future,
It asks for too much, giving nothing but pain in return.
It is an endless abyss filled with red and black,
A vortex that creates sensations that will bring you to your knees,
Deceiving those on the outside,
Devastating those who have intimate knowledge.
Criticized, many a victim seek to isolate themselves,
Misunderstood, many a victim seek the ultimate release,
Trying to rationalize won’t stop the pain,
The cost is high for each movement made to appease others, and ourselves.
Minds that were once sharp, now struggle through a caliginous fog,
Bodies once agile, now struggle over the simplistic,
Souls that were effervescent, now become reflective.
What is this invisible disease called Fibromyalgia?
Simply is all encompassing.
-Margi C.