bluelighthousewelc.jpg (30341 bytes)

bluelighthousebar.jpg (7693 bytes)
lighthouseframedbamsie.gif (58070 bytes)
bluelighthousebar.jpg (7693 bytes)
bluelighthousehome.jpg (5760 bytes)  bluelighthouseback.jpg (5810 bytes)
bluelighthousebull.jpg (1069 bytes)
bluelighthousenext.jpg (5833 bytes)  bluelighthousemail.jpg (5914 bytes)
bluelighthousebull.jpg (1069 bytes)
bluelighthousesign.jpg (5898 bytes)  bluelighthouseread.jpg (5884 bytes)
bluelighthousebull.jpg (1069 bytes)
bluelighthouseblank.jpg (5269 bytes)  bluelighthouselogo.jpg (6695 bytes)
  bluelighthousebar.jpg (7693 bytes)
The font used is:

Century Schoolbook

The font color is:


The background color is:


The lighthouse frame tube is from Jane's.

The tutorial to make animated lighthouses is from PSP Beginnings.

If you prefer a tiled background, here it is:

bluelighthousetile.jpg (1775 bytes)

bluelighthousebar.jpg (7693 bytes)