By entering this site you aknowledge these following statements:

1.    I am prepared to be blown away.

2.    I am prepared to get addicted to the site that I will soon enter.

3.    The owner of the site is not resposible for insomnia, addiction & other
       problems that I may experience.

4.    I will not sue the owner of the site because of the content!

5.    The owner of this site does not give a flying fuck what you think!

6.    The owner of this site would like you to sign his guestbook before you
       leave... or else he'll be coming after you!

7.    Little that you know, upon entering this site, you have just kissed the
       owner of this site ass!

8.    If you dish the owners site, the owner will trace your I.P number and
       will hack your motherfucking pc! And Beleive him , it's no bullshit ..
       he'll do it!

9.    You don't wanna fuck with the owner
       Cuz 'the owner will fucking kill you

10.  So you can suck my dick if you don't like my shit, cause I was high
       when i wrote this so suck my dick!