Short Stories
Short Stories in the Classroom

Short Story options for Grade 9

The Short Story unit is one of the most exciting in the course of any English class. There are so many possibilities for instruction, analysis, and acitivty. Choices for the classroom are often overwhelming. Hundreds of short stories are applicable for the level and interest of the grade 9 student. To make the selection process a relatively sane one, we have found that a combination of textbook and outside stories provides the best blend for the students(As well as cutting down on the mass of photocopies).
At Stelly's, we use the "Inside Stories" text. It includes a nice variety of stories under these headings: Plot, Character, Conflict, Theme, Setting, Experience, and Atmosphere. To compliment this text, we have also introduced stories from outside the text. Stories that we belive truly engage the students.
On this page we have provided a list of lesson plans that we and others have created for short stories, as well as a brief synopsis of stories we have found to work well in the classroom. Also, to save you time, we have developed a list of links for quaity short story sites on the web.
