Symptoms and signs
Management - DRABC - lay casualty down - apply direct pressure to the site of bleeding - raise and rest the injured part when possible - loosen tight clothing - give nothing by mouth - seek medical aid urgently. Direct pressure
If severe bleeding cannot be controlled by direct pressure , it may be necessary to apply pressure to the pressure points. These are found on the main artery above the wound. When bleeding has been controlled, remove pressure to the point and reapply direct pressure to the wound. Occasionally, in major limb injuries such as partial amputations and shark attack , severe bleeding cannot be controlled by direct pressure. Only then, it may be necessary to resort to the application of a constrictive bandage above the elbow or knee. Using a constrictive bandage
Symptoms and signs Evidence of internal bleeding from some organs may be seen by the first aider. For example :
Concealed bleeding within the abdomen may be suspected when there is :
Internal bleeding will be accompanied by any of the following symptons and signs :
Management - lay the casualty down - raise the legs or bend the knees - loosen tight clothing - seek medical aid urgently - give nothing by mouth - reassure the casualty |
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