The Real Deal

If you wish to contact us for more information regarding our products, to answer any question or just to drop up a note, use the address below. Usually, we'll get back to you within 72 hours. Due to the volume of mail we receive, we may take a bit longer.

The Real Deal                                       our customer email:
  attn: Customer Service                   REALDEAL@EARTHDOME.COM
  Centuck Station: Box 102
  Yonkers, NY 10710-0102

If you don't have an email and would like a free account, you can get one at:

HOTMAIL          JUNO          ROCKET MAIL    

If you wish to contact our webmaster, write to our MEDIA DEPT or email him at:  GROVER@EARTHDOME.COM


If you are looking to book wrestlers, models, etc. for your events or appearances, please contact our BUSINESS AFFAIRS DEPT. We also organize live events for fundraising. SERIOUS INQUIRIES PLEASE.

Our business email: 


