Awesome Amy
Feature interview

     She looks like an ordinary twenty something model with blonde hair, a sculpted body and pretty face but Amy Winn is different than most models. When she's not posing for a photographer's camera, she works as a professional wrestling manager. "I was born in Tampa, Florida which is known as one of the wrestling meccas of the world." Winn says. "I started watching wrestling at age 4, growing up with such stars as Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper."

     Amy decided to become a wrestling manager after watching wrestling all through high school. She admired the women managers and decided to delve into flamboyant world of wrestling. By high school, I was totally infatuated with the sport, plus I had two uncles in the business which increased my infatuation. After seeing years of women such as Madusa, Woman and Sherri Martel, I decided that becoming a manager was what I wanted to do. It was a challenge, especially since I tended to be on the shy side. I wanted to be somebody different, somebody important. I took acting classes, participated in clubs, entered a beauty contest and studied hard."

     Like most aspiring wrestling stars, Amy has constantly been marketing herself and clawing her way up the ladder of success where most newcomers have failed. "I started in the wrestling business by writing a column for various professional wrestling newsletters. I started managing for a small promotion called WTF and made my debut in the Sunshine Wrestling Federation after high school."

     The life of a wrestling star is a hectic one where many days are spent travelling and living out of a suitcase. Her job in wrestling has allowed Amy to travel extensively and, like many stars, has accumulated road stories of hijinx. "For one show, we went to Homestead, Florida to set up the ring, chairs and camera equipment. It was a long day and some of us had been up since four in the morning. "Playboy" Bobby Davis a wrestler on the show happens to be not only a heavy sleeper, but  also one who snores. He kept everybody up with his snoring so we placed a feather on his mouth and as he exhaled, the feather flew up in the air and returned to the same spot every time he inhaled." 

     The wrestling business allows stars to interact with millions of people around the globe. Usually, wrestling fans and autograph seekers are cordial. But, like other entertainment fields, there are some that cross the line of civility. "I was at a club and one guy recognized me, grabbing me and saying that he was a big fan, he loved me and he wanted to marry me. I tried to be nice and get away but he kept grabbing my arm hard. Luckily a bouncer I knew kicked him out when he saw I was in trouble. Unfortunately, there are risks like these associated with the business."

     Amy would like to see women wrestlers get more respect and air time in a male dominated business. "I think the women are the better wrestlers, sorry men! The women seem to get into it more and even beat up the men on some  occasions. I hope the future of women's wrestling changes because these women do go out there and bust their butts  for the fans."

     When she isn't modeling or on the road to her next wrestling gig, Amy spends her free time like most young women her age. "I love to hang out with my family, boyfriend and friends. I love to go dancing so you will usually find me at clubs during the weekend. Of course like most women, I love to shop." Growing up and living in Florida, Amy has a passion for the beach life. "My greatest escape is the beach. You should see how many different bathing suits I have  a different one every weekend and my tan certainly proves it. I hope one day, I predict in five years, that I will own a house on the beach where all I have to do is go out the door and be on the beach."

     A woman of the 90's, Amy has always thought of alternative occupations if she didn't work in the wrestling business. "I would be a full time model, office manager, or owner of my own business, I always wanted to do something with animals too."

    For other women aspiring to work in the pro-wrestling business, Amy dishes some valuable advice. "I say you can do it, if you put your mind to it. Many people did not think I would make it this far, but I chose not to hang around those negative people and proved them wrong. Make sure that is what you want because it isn't an easy life and get training at a wrestling school."

     Today Amy is enjoying success as one of the hottest young women in wrestling. Open up any wrestling magazine and your bound to see a photo or article on Amy. "I have been selling a lot of autographed photos of myself and I'm  getting recognition as far as the Middle East. I started modeling for a clothing line called AMOR XX1 and made my wrestling debut for the Future of Wrestling promotion."

Amy has a positive outlook for her future and someday hopes to work for a big promotion such as the World Wrestling Federation or World Championship Wrestling. "I look forward to what the future has in store for me and the women of the WWF and WCW better make way because I'm coming to make my presence felt.

