Win a 1 year subscription
Grover's Corner
For our loyal customers

Every 60 days, we randomly select one of our readers to receive some great prize. We've given away such things as wrestling tickets, lunches with wrestlers & valets, special edition items from our warehouse. In the event that you can't claim your prize (i.e. you live in Khazsjneineoipkqtzxnvijweedstan & can't use tickets for an U.S event), we'll try our best to replace it with an alternate prize that you can use. The unclaimed prize will go to the winner of the next drawing period.

If you've won a prize from us, you then become ineligible (for 6 months) to win another prize from us. Other people would like to win free stuff, too! We will mail you a letter informing you of what you've won. If we don't hear from you within 20 days, we'll hold a secondary drawing.


Only one entry per address per year. You only need to enter once for this year. Multiple entries are disqualified. This contest is open only to those who are currently not subscribed.  On a piece of paper, PRINT NEATLY your name, address & email. Mail it to us at:
The Real Deal
                                                              attn: Contests
                                                              Centuck Station: Box 102          
                                                              Yonkers, NY 10710-0102

Ok, so you want to win some more stuff?
    Want your name &/or face to be adorned by millions of people around the planet?
                     Maybe even get yelled at by an angry webmaster?

Our twisted & often irate webmaster, Webchef Grover, wrestles with random thought provoking issues with everyone here at The Real Deal. So we've talked him into to doing this section. We've decided to let you in on our most vocal & demented staff member. In about one page or less, discuss the philosophical thought/question of the month. The winner will get his or her name (or not. Just make a note of it in your essay), face (if pic provided) & winning essay immortalized (for 1 month). We will present your winning essay as is. We will visually censor any offensive words. The best essay will be picked by our staff & presented to Grover for his tirade. Enter at your own risk :-) He can be brutal! Actually he's a cool guy but we present the essay to him when he's most annoyed during the day. This ensures a nice show for us here. You can then enjoy a rated PG 13 show at Grover's Corner.

You'll win stuff we take from Grover's Office. He's got really cool stuff- autographed photos, t-shirts, posters, his lunch... Mail your inquisitive thesis to the above address.

The topic for the month of August (winner will be announced on Sept 25):

So ya wanna be a rap star, homes? Bust a rhyme about fly catholic school girls with gambling problems! Phattest beat gets hooked up with stuff. Aspiring tone deaf "musicians" are strongly encouraged to apply.

Note: We can not return your recordings or lyrics. All materials sent to us become the property of Miller Productions. By sending us your original work(s), you understand that you will NOT be financially compensated. The winner's audio/wriiten work will be published on this website.