Weather Alerts for Mercer County, West Virginia

Thursday, August 7, 2003: 8:12-11:00PM Flash Flood Warning

Friday, August 8, 2003: 12:00N-12M Flash Flood Watch 

2:52-5:00PM Flash Flood Warning










On Sunday, July 8th,2001 a training thunderstorm moved over the Southern portion of West Virginia.  The rain from the storm lasted for only a few hours, but the amount of rain threat fell was astronomical.  Rainfall amounts varied from a trace in Central WV to as much as 11 inches in Mullens in Wyoming County.  The average rainfall amount was between 4 and 8 inches in a 4 hour time period.  This caused major flooding of Mercer, Raleigh, Fayette, Kanawha, Wyoming, and McDowell Counties.  As much as 80% of the city of Mullens has been condemned by the state due to the flooding.  The pictures below show how fast the water rose.  This location is known as Lake Shawnee.  It can also be seen in the Postcard tour section.  This area is located between Princeton and Spanishburg.  I have included a description below each picture.  Please understand...these pictures are nothing compared to others you could see of this flooding.  The conditions were much worse in areas such as Oakvale in Mercer County and Mullens in Wyoming County.


Sunday, July 8, 2001: 8pm.  The water is covering US Route 19 at the Bluestone River in Mercer County.  Some people are being brave.  Notice the location of the water compared to the green sign and compare that to the third picture.

A closer look.  The actual bridge over the river is just past the white sign on the right.  Also notice the yellow sign on the right that reads HIGH WATER.  Some drivers were caught off guard by the fact that their was an even deeper area of water ahead there.


Monday, July 9,2001: 630am.  Notice the water line in relation to the green sign now.  A closed look can be found below. Notice also that the road is CLOSED.  Just a few miles north of this location, on the same road, a man lost his life trying to drive across the flooded roadway.

          July 8, 2001 8:00pm

       July 9, 2001 6:30 am      


May 2, 2002 Flood Page

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