Will You Pray for Chrissy?





12-year-old Chrissy is a wonderful little
girl!  She's an open, innocent, honest, laughing
Christian youngster who has spent many
hours playing with my daughter.  She was
involved in our church's children's Bible
quizzing program and she loves to memorize Bible
Scriptures, and she was very good at it too!


The Bible quizzing is LOVED by our children,
it's somewhat like a cross between a spelling bee
and game of Jeopardy!  They compete against other
churches, and the winners continue on to
NATIONAL competition!


One of her favorite Bible Scriptures is Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for good
to them that love God, to them who are the called
according to his purpose."  Isn't that so true even in
her present situation?


She also takes piano lessons and has
become quite accomplished.  She played at
our church's SundaySchool Christmas Program
the evening BEFORE her brain surgery,
and amazingly enough, her own brain surgeon
attended the Christmas Program just
to hear her play!  That shows a lot of
love for this wonderful little girl!


She is VERY active, and roller-skates,
rides bicycle, runs around outside,
and swings on our swing-set when she comes
over to our house to play with my daughter,
(although she has many other friends
that she plays with as well).


Chrissy also goes sledding and ice skating
and playing in the snow in the winter.
She also enjoys listening to Christian music,
particularly like what you would
hear at a worship service.


CHRISSY began to get headaches and
blurred vision this last summer which
continued into the winter.  She had an MRI
of her brain on December 16, 1998
when a cancerous egg-sized tumor was
discovered at the back of her brain!
Surgery was immediately scheduled for December 21.


They initially said that they got 95%
of the tumor which was dangerously located in a very
sensitive area of the brain.  The evening after her
surgery she had either a stroke or some kind
of seizure and nearly died, and they didn't
expect her to live.  She was on life support
in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital!


Intense prayer and the efforts of the medical
staff kept her alive.  She slowly began
to improve "an inch at a time." She was
in a coma for a month, and then was in what
they call a "medium sleep."


She is now FULLY AWAKE!  In just one
month she began walking with slight assistance,
eating three meals a day again, and
had the tubes removed from her body.
She spoke her first WORD on February 9,
and she's already begun speech therapy.


Three weekends ago, she'd been allowed to
go home for three hours, and she's been able
to attend CHURCH over these past several weeks!
The doctors initially thought Chrissy would
be in the hospital for a LONG time,
but she surprised EVERYONE when she
was allowed to come home from the
hospital on February 3rd!


She must still return to the hospital EVERY day
for an entire day of grueling physical/rehabilitational
therapy. The doctors said that her recovery so far
is "absolutely phenomenal!" They cannot believe the
rapid progress she has made!  (They just did
another MRI of her brain, and said that it was "clear"
so it appears that 100% of the tumor was now gone!)




Her loving family, her church family, and friends have
been very supportive and loving towards her throughout
this ordeal. I still pray, however, that Chrissy might
get words of encouragement and love from around the
WORLD, that I could eventually put in a huge binder
(or many binders if we're so lucky) for her to have
as a keepsake of her triumph over this ordeal.


(So far Chrissy has received e-mails from around 225
individuals or families around the world, and some
of those have continued to correspond more than once!)


If you want to send an e-mail to Chrissy,
just think of me as the "Postmaster."
I wanted to somewhat protect Chrissy's privacy,
especially since she's a young child,
so I've become her go-between
and all-around-champion of sorts.


I thought up this idea, and a  coordinating
this effort because her parents are so BUSY
with caring for Chrissy, and they don't have the time
or capability to receive these e-mails directly,
since the process is somewhat time-consuming
(yet very rewarding and uplifting
for me too, the postmaster!)


I'm the clearing house for e-mails, letters, gifts,
and for answering questions, sending out thank-yous,
and giving updates on Chrissy's condition.
I have also lately been giving out my U.S. mail home
address to those that  may want to send
her cards, letters, or photos
through the mail.


If you do, please contact me through your e-mail
and I will give it to you. I have to
say ahead of time though, that I cannot afford the
postage to send a U.S. mail thank you note to all
that send in to Chrissy that way, so I'm giving you
a great big THANK YOU in advance!


Every letter she gets, I print out and take to her
(in a "rough draft" form) and then leave for her
and her parents to keep.  Later on, when I compile
what I hope will be a big stack of encouraging e-mails,
letters, cards, and photos into a big, colorful binder,
I'll give that fancy, colorful version to Chrissy as a
permanent keepsake of the love and prayers that
helped get her through her ordeal.


I have dreams of printing out each
letter in color, in their fancy type fonts, on pretty
laser-paper, encased in a plastic sheet protector
inside one of those pretty colorful binders
like those used for photo albums.
What a testimonial to everyone's love
and support for Chrissy THAT would be!


As several people told me they were at a loss
for words, here's a list of things you could use to draft
your letter if you need suggestions on what to write.
It's neat for her to know what part of the country
or world you are from, so you could tell about that
and a little bit about yourself -
kind of like a mini-introduction.


Mention your family, children, and pets -
that's all very interesting to her.
If you know of any encouraging stories
or situations of someone in a similar
situation - a child or
person overcoming adversity,
I'd relate that too.


If you are continuing to pray for Chrissy,
and if others are as well, let her know of
the amount of support and love she has.


I guess, finally, just let her know that
she'll STAY in your prayers, and not to ever
give up, and if you are religious, you could add
a little  statement about God being
with her, or healing her, or giving her strength.


Some people have sent poems, others write a long letter
as they tell about their life, where they've traveled,
with the suggestion that Chrissy has a lot to live for,
as she might see those places someday too.


One faithful woman sends jokes to Chrissy
every single day!  Another lady works with "
therapy horses" with sick children and told her about
that! There was one elementary class of five children
that all wrote a one-liner "get well" message,
followed by the teacher's well wishes.


Some people that have access to sending photos
via internet included photos of their pets or family
as an attachment to their e-mail.  Another lady
wrote about what goes on in each season
of the year and things to look forward to
in this coming year.


Some people have mentioned how Chrissy
may be well enough to go to church on Easter Sunday,
and how they love that day too. Some pet-lovers
have sent e-mails to Chrissy as though
they were written by their dog!


Even just a one-liner such as "I hope you get better!"
are just as meaningful to her because it still shows
that someone took the time to send it to her.  So many
wonderful people have written to Chrissy now, that my
list of neat things that people have written would
be ten pages long if I included all of their ideas!


So far, besides the numerous letters from the United States,
Chrissy has gotten several letters from Australia,
Canada, England, Germany, Guam, Netherlands,
and Sri Lanka!
(I apologize to any of you that I may have
momentarily forgotten!)


I just bought a wall-sized map of the United States,
(I'm yet to find one of the entire world which I need.)
I also bought a box of multi-colored stars.  I want to find
out the city and state that each of you are in, (or city and
COUNTRY - if out of the United States), so I can put
a star over each of the cities for each person that has
written to Chrissy!  That way, Chrissy can see that she is,
indeed, receiving love from ALL over the world!


Not a bad way to learn
your geography, as well!

I very much appreciate those that have already
forwarded my plea to their friends and relatives!
I think that's how Chrissy has received
MANY of her e-mails!


If you can write to Chrissy,
please send it care of me at


Thank you! God bless you, I hope to hear from you again!


Danica (the mother of one of Chrissy's friends)
Thank you for your e-mail to Chrissy!

  You are Chrissy's # Visitor Since Feb.15th, 1999
Thank you!


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